Re: TSM 5.3.3 startup in /etc/inittab on AIX ( problem?)

2006-05-22 09:58:40
Subject: Re: TSM 5.3.3 startup in /etc/inittab on AIX ( problem?)
From: Richard Sims <rbs AT BU DOT EDU>
Date: Mon, 22 May 2006 09:57:55 -0400
Without resulting messages or AIX Error Log problem indications, we
can't provide a lot of assistance, but these thoughts...

 - It's not a good idea to direct service messages to the console,
   both because they become lost and because there can be issues
   with the console.  It's better to have like:
    /usr/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/rc.adsmserv >> /var/log/tsmserv/
tsmserv.log 2>&1

 - Starting an application like TSM from inittab can be problematic...
   The relative position can be an issue, as for example being too
early in
   the system start sequence such that volumes are not yet ready.
Though the
   position may look okay, the subsystem starts may be asynchronous,
and your
   process ends up in a race with other establishment processes.
   Further, by starting from Init, you may not have needed environment
   variables in effect, which are in a login session. (You can
compensate for
   this by modifying rc.adsmserv.)

Look through your /var/adm/ras/conslog (if not over-cycled) and other
logging areas for substantive evidence of the problem.

   Richard Sims

On May 22, 2006, at 9:26 AM, Lawrence Clark wrote:


We upgraded TSM from 5.2 to 5.3.3  over the weekend.

We also upgraded AIX on that server from 5.2 to 5.3.3

After the AIX upgrade, TSM aborts on startup from /etc/inittab

However, opening a terminal window an enetering the same startup
up TSM with no problem. In fact, it is still running for several days.

The /etc/inittab entry:

autosrvr:2:once:/usr/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/rc.adsmserv >/dev/console
2>&1 #Start
 the Tivoli Storage Manager server

The startup in the terminal window:

/usr/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/rc.adsmserv >/dev/console 2>&1

Anyone experienced similar problems?