
Re: [Networker] nsrclone advice needed

2013-03-18 11:36:52
Subject: Re: [Networker] nsrclone advice needed
From: Dag Nygren <dag AT NEWTECH DOT FI>
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2013 17:29:43 +0200
On Monday 18 March 2013 10:49:07 Michael Leone wrote:
> I need to do something I've never done before. I have a tape (it holds 
> bootstrap and client file index (CFI) information). I want to make a clone 
> of this entire tape, and keep it onsite, and send the original offsite. 
> I've cloned specific savesets before, but to any available tape in a pool. 
>  In this case, I want to clone the tape to a specific volume (in a 
> specific pool). So I want:
> nsrclone <source volume> <target volume>
> Now, the target volume will be in the same pool as the source, but I don't 
> see an option to specify a specific volume as target. I see, from looking 
> at the Command reference. I don't want the nsrclone command to start 
> cloning onto just any other tape in the pool; I want it on a specific 
> tape. And I can't seem to figure out how to do that, from reading the 
> command line references.
> nsrclone -b "Bootstrap" <source volume>
> Seems like it would clone all of the contents of <source volume> to 
> another tape in the "Bootstrap" pool, which is good. But how to specify a 
> specific volume? I suppose I could make sure there are no other volumes of 
> that pool in the library when I issue the command, but there should be a 
> way to specify what I want (I think).

As the target for a clone needs to be a clone type pool there is no way you can 
to the same pool. The way to do it is to create a BootstrapClone pool, label 
the target tape into
that and do:

nsrclone -b "BootstrapClone" <source volume>
