
[Networker] Tape to tape copy between M1800 & SL500?

2011-06-10 03:24:37
Subject: [Networker] Tape to tape copy between M1800 & SL500?
From: Paul Key <pkey AT SGUL.AC DOT UK>
Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2011 08:18:05 +0100
I have an M1800 attached to a server - backup-1 which has been configured as a storage node of backup-2 (which has an SL500 attached) - I have created the two media pools previously in existence on backup-1 on backup-2 - hope this is necessary.

The 'old' /nsr directory has been preserved on backup-1 (when it was a server not a storage node). Is there a way of getting the 'old' saveset information from backup-1 i.e. ssid, client and tape numbers so that I can load the tapes and hopefully "scanner" them and import the indexes? I have tried the command "scanner rd=backup:/dev/rmt/0cbn" just to try and get a list of savesets etc but this isn't working with an SDLT600 tape. I have a list of client ID's - which don't match the client ids on backup-2 - I am starting to create clients on backup2 i.e. servername-m1800 using the client ids from backup-1.

Also - on the Networker GUI on backup-2 the M1800 is shown yet the media->volumes does not show any SDLT600 tapes (even just those in the library after an inventory) - is this because they are yet to be scanned?

Thanks again for your assistance.


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