
Re: [Bacula-users] Fwd: Fatal error: TLS required but not configured in Bacula.

2009-04-24 03:27:51
Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] Fwd: Fatal error: TLS required but not configured in Bacula.
From: Arno Lehmann <al AT its-lehmann DOT de>
To: "bacula-users AT lists.sourceforge DOT net" <bacula-users AT lists.sourceforge DOT net>
Date: Fri, 24 Apr 2009 09:21:24 +0200

24.04.2009 09:12, Sébastien Weber wrote:
> What to do for have

Well, you either need to install Bacula from a different repository, 
where they have a version configured with SSL, or you compile from 
source yourself and include the SSL stuff yourself. In the latter 
case, the output of './configure --help' tells you about all the 
possible options, and you'll probably need openssl-devel installed 
(and many other development packages, too).


> Sébastien
> Sébastien Weber a écrit :
>> ok
>> # ldd bacula-dir
>> =>  (0x00007fff79dff000)
>> => /usr/lib/ 
>> (0x00007f1a7174f000)
>> => /lib/ (0x00007f1a7154c000)
>> => /lib/ (0x00007f1a71343000)
>> => /usr/lib/ (0x00007f1a710cd000)
>> => /lib/ (0x00007f1a70eb1000)
>> => /lib/ (0x00007f1a70cad000)
>> => /lib/ (0x00007f1a70aa4000)
>> => /usr/lib/ (0x00007f1a70798000)
>> => /lib/ (0x00007f1a70515000)
>> => /lib/ (0x00007f1a702fe000)
>> => /lib/ (0x00007f1a6ffab000)
>>         /lib64/ (0x00007f1a71ac4000)
>> => /lib/ (0x00007f1a6fd93000)
>> I don't have ><
>> Sébastien
>> Arno Lehmann a écrit :
>>> Hi,
>>> 22.04.2009 15:26, Sébastien Weber wrote:
>>>> Thx for your Quick-reply.
>>>> But I have a certificat on ( the certificat its ok, 
>>>> on the old server certificate worked. )
>>>> When I use, i have a error message : "Fatal error: TLS required but 
>>>> not configured in Bacula."
>>>> Bacula requires another package/daemon/...  (or just configuration?) 
>>>> to use TLS certificate?
>>>> openssl is requires just for used TLS certificate by bacula ?
>>> You probably run a version of Bacula without openssl support (iirc, 
>>> due to license incomaptibilities, some distros don't include ssl 
>>> support in Bacula).
>>> You can verify this by running 'ldd /path/to/bacula-dir'. If you see 
>>> a reference to libssl, it's a configuration issue. If you don't see 
>>> that reference, you'll have to use another repository to install, or 
>>> compile yourself.
>>> Here, for example, on a test system I see
>>> bacula@gnom:/usr/local/demo-bacula> ldd sbin/bacula-dir  | grep ssl
>>> => /usr/lib/ (0xb7c5e000)
>>> Arno
>>>> I don't used "./configure (option)", but used "apt-get install" for 
>>>> instal bacula :s
>>>> doc:"/Appropriate autoconf macros have been added to detect and use 
>>>> OpenSSL if enabled on the ./configure line with --with-openssl/"
>>>> how to become your own Certificate Authority so you can create your 
>>>> own certificates.
>>>> That's good to know, thx :)
>>>> Sébastien
>>>> Maarten Hoogveld a écrit :
>>>>> Sorry, accidently pressed the send button before the mail was 
>>>>> completed  (Now why didn't I look into that gmail undo-send button 
>>>>> yesterday)
>>>>>     Hi,
>>>>>     I have instal bacula with "# apt-get install bacula" in debian 
>>>>> linux.
>>>>>     I have my backups that works, but is not securised with TLS...
>>>>>     When used TLS, i have erreor message :
>>>>>     "Fatal error: TLS required but not configured in Bacula."
>>>>>     How to use TLS ? where configure used TLS with this install ?
>>>>> Hi Sébastien,
>>>>> Check out  the Bacula documentation on TLS 
>>>>> <>. 
>>>>> The example configs are a good start.
>>>>> Also check out OpenSSL docs on how to become your own Certificate 
>>>>> Authority so you can create your own certificates.
>>>>> This may take some effort and time if you are unfarmilliar with 
>>>>> certificates. Without the right certificates it will not work.
>>>>> OpenSSL has some functionality with which you can check the 
>>>>> certificates. You can create some sort of server and try to connect 
>>>>> to it but I don't remember how that works anymore. Google for it.
>>>>> It's important to start with the simplest solution (e.g. no TLS) 
>>>>> and then gradually add some TLS features. (So don't start with the 
>>>>> "TLS Allowed CN" or something like that. Add that when the plain 
>>>>> TLS connection works.)
>>>>> Also important to understanding what's going on is to figure out 
>>>>> what connects to what. The part about firewalls 
>>>>> <> 
>>>>> in the Bacula documentation has a small and useful overview of 
>>>>> that. For the TLS connection the "client" is the connecting party 
>>>>> and the server is the party being connected to. Example: When the 
>>>>> bacula-dir connects to the bacula-fd, the bacula-dir is the client 
>>>>> and the bacula-fd is the server. (See comments in the example 
>>>>> configs in the Director resource of the bacula-fd config)
>>>>> I have created some scripts to create and sign my own certificates 
>>>>> because I just can't remember the command line options for openssl. 
>>>>> They are used in a Fedora 6 environment so you may have to change 
>>>>> some paths to match your setup.
>>>>> Before you can use these scripts you need:
>>>>> - A proper openssl config file
>>>>>  Place the file location in at the [openssl.cnf] placeholder
>>>>> - Your self-signed root-certificate and private key
>>>>>   Place them in their placeholders [ca.crt] and [ca.key] in the 
>>>>> sign script
>>>>> - Check all paths in (/etc/pki/CA/ in my installation) and 
>>>>> make sure they match your setup.
>>>>> (Note: The sign script is not mine, I found it on the internet 
>>>>> somewhere and don't remember who wrote it  so I can't give credit.)
>>>>> Of course this doesn't explain TLS fully but I hope this helps a bit.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Maarten Hoogveld
>>>>> ** A script to create a new key-pair and a cert-sign-request.
>>>>> #!/bin/bash
>>>>> FILE_BASE=$1
>>>>> if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
>>>>>   echo "Usage: $0 <base-filename>"
>>>>>   echo "  Creates a key-pair and csr (Certificate Signing Request)"
>>>>>   echo "  File created are <base-filename>.key and 
>>>>> <base-filename>.crt."
>>>>>   exit 1
>>>>> fi
>>>>> if [ -e ${FILE_BASE}.key ]; then
>>>>>   echo "File ${FILE_BASE}.key already exists."
>>>>>   echo "Exiting."
>>>>>   exit 1;
>>>>> fi
>>>>> openssl req -config /[openssl.cnf]/ -new -nodes -keyout 
>>>>> ${FILE_BASE}.key -out ${FILE_BASE}.csr -days 730
>>>>> echo "Done."
>>>>> **  A script to sign a sign-request
>>>>> #!/bin/sh
>>>>> #   argument line handling
>>>>> CSR=$1
>>>>> if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
>>>>>   echo "Usage: ${0} <whatever>.csr"; exit 1
>>>>> fi
>>>>> if [ ! -f $CSR ]; then
>>>>>   echo "CSR not found: $CSR"; exit 1
>>>>> fi
>>>>> case $CSR in
>>>>>   *.csr ) CERT="`echo $CSR | sed -e 's/\.csr/.crt/'`" ;;
>>>>>   * ) CERT="$CSR.crt" ;;
>>>>> esac
>>>>> #   make sure environment exists
>>>>> if [ ! -d ca.db.certs ]; then
>>>>>   mkdir ca.db.certs
>>>>> fi
>>>>> if [ ! -f ca.db.serial ]; then
>>>>>   echo '01' >ca.db.serial
>>>>> fi
>>>>> if [ ! -f ca.db.index ]; then
>>>>>   cp /dev/null ca.db.index
>>>>> fi
>>>>> #   create an own SSLeay config
>>>>> cat > ca.config <<EOT
>>>>> [ ca ]
>>>>> default_ca      = CA_own
>>>>> [ CA_own ]
>>>>> dir     = /etc/pki/CA
>>>>> certs   = /etc/pki/CA/certs
>>>>> new_certs_dir   = /etc/pki/CA/ca.db.certs
>>>>> database        = /etc/pki/CA/ca.db.index
>>>>> serial  = /etc/pki/CA/ca.db.serial
>>>>> RANDFILE        = /etc/pki/CA/ca.db.rand
>>>>> certificate     = /etc/pki/CA/certs//[ca.crt]/
>>>>> private_key     = /etc/pki/CA/private//[ca.//key//]/
>>>>> default_days    = 730
>>>>> default_crl_days        = 30
>>>>> default_md      = md5
>>>>> preserve        = no
>>>>> policy  = policy_anything
>>>>> [ policy_anything ]
>>>>> countryName     = optional
>>>>> stateOrProvinceName     = optional
>>>>> localityName    = optional
>>>>> organizationName        = optional
>>>>> organizationalUnitName  = optional
>>>>> commonName      = supplied
>>>>> emailAddress    = optional
>>>>> EOT
>>>>> #  sign the certificate
>>>>> echo "CA signing: $CSR -> $CERT:"
>>>>> openssl ca -config ca.config -out $CERT -infiles $CSR
>>>>> echo "CA verifying: $CERT <-> CA cert"
>>>>> openssl verify -CAfile /etc/pki/CA/certs//[ca.crt]/ $CERT
>>>>> #  cleanup after SSLeay
>>>>> /bin/rm -f ca.config
>>>>> /bin/rm -f ca.db.serial.old
>>>>> /bin/rm -f ca.db.index.old
>>>>> #  die gracefully
>>>>> exit 0
>>>>> **   A script to tidy up the files and put them into 
>>>>> separate folders for archival
>>>>> #!/bin/bash
>>>>> FILE_BASE=$1
>>>>> if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
>>>>>   echo "Usage: $0 <base-filename>"
>>>>>   echo "  If <base-filename>.key and <base-filename>.crt exist:"
>>>>>   echo "  <base-filename>.key will be moved to ./export/private"
>>>>>   echo "  <base-filename>.crt will be moved to ./export/certs"
>>>>>   echo "  <base-filename>.csr will be deleted if it exists"
>>>>>   exit 1
>>>>> fi
>>>>> if [ ! -e ${FILE_BASE}.key ]; then
>>>>>   echo "File ${FILE_BASE}.key does not exist!"
>>>>>   exit 1;
>>>>> fi
>>>>> if [ ! -e ${FILE_BASE}.crt ]; then
>>>>>   echo "File ${FILE_BASE}.crt does not exist!"
>>>>>   exit 1;
>>>>> fi
>>>>> if [ ! -d export/certs ]; then
>>>>>   echo "Destination ./export/certs does not exist. Please create 
>>>>> this directory and try again."
>>>>>   exit 1;
>>>>> fi
>>>>> if [ ! -d export/private ]; then
>>>>>   echo "Destination ./export/private does not exist. Please create 
>>>>> this directory and try again."
>>>>>   exit 1;
>>>>> fi
>>>>> mv ${FILE_BASE}.key export/private
>>>>> chmod 0400 export/private/${FILE_BASE}.key
>>>>> mv ${FILE_BASE}.crt export/certs
>>>>> if [ -e ${FILE_BASE}.csr ]; then
>>>>>   rm ${FILE_BASE}.csr
>>>>> fi
>>>>> echo "Done."
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Arno Lehmann
IT-Service Lehmann
Sandstr. 6, 49080 Osnabrück

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