
Re: [Networker] 7.6.1 - Savesets hang

2011-02-08 13:43:20
Subject: Re: [Networker] 7.6.1 - Savesets hang
Date: Tue, 8 Feb 2011 13:41:18 -0500
I found something on my search for answers related to nsrauth methods.  I know 
that in the beginning of this hangup and i/o 995 errors, we tried setting the 
Networker server to use just ",oldauth", BUT, I don't remember if we 
set the clients to the same settings. I have been testing setting the nrsauth 
to ",oldauth" on both the server and 2 clients in question over the 
last 2 days and so far, I have not seen the 2 clients in question hang up or 
fail. Still too early to tell, but so far so good.

Dave, are you using these settings or do you have ",nsrauth/oldauth"?  
Just curious if you don't and if you would see any improvement using just 


-----Original Message-----
From: STANLEY R. HORWITZ [mailto:stan AT temple DOT edu]
Sent: Tuesday, February 08, 2011 9:42 AM
To: EMC NetWorker list; Werth, Dave
Subject: Re: [Networker] 7.6.1 - Savesets hang

What the NSR_KEEPALIVE_WAIT environment variable does is essentially ping
the NetWorker server from the client. That 3500 setting might too high
though. The idea is that it keeps network ports from being prematurely
closed by a firewall, so the proper setting depends on how the firewall
involved is configured. As such, this environment variable is only
relevant in situations where the NetWorker server and the client in
question sit on opposite sides of a firewall. If the client and server are
on the same side of a firewall, you are barking up the wrong tree by
activating that variable.

You might also look into doing some tuning of the client's TCP/IP
variables. I am not a Windows expert, but as I recall, those parameters
are changed via registry settings. If setting the NSR_KEEPALIVE_WAIT
variable to a value that your network administrator recommends still
doesn't help, then ask EMC or check on PowerLink to see if there are any
recommended TCP/IP parameters for Windows 2008 that might be worth
changing on the client. If this issue happens with many clients, fine
tuning the TCP/IP parameters on your NetWorker server might also be

On 2/8/11 12:18 PM, "Werth, Dave" <dave.werth AT GARMIN DOT COM> wrote:

>I gave this a shot.  It may have helped some but it didn't fix the
>problem completely.
>Dave Werth
>Garmin AT, Inc.
>Salem, Oregon
>From: Craig Hurst [mailto:craig.hurst AT ansys DOT com]
>Sent: Monday, February 07, 2011 10:47 AM
>To: EMC NetWorker discussion; Werth, Dave
>Subject: Re: [Networker] 7.6.1 - Savesets hang
>Not sure this will help, but I have had issues with Windows 2008 also,
>backups keep timing out. Tried different versions of Networker client,
>didn't help. EMC had me change the following settings in Networker
>Go to the group that includes problem client, go to properties> advanced
>> client retries set to 1, inactivity timeout set to 0
>Also on client add a system variable: Name: NSR_KEEPALIVE_WAIT
>Variable: 3500   now restart Networker Exec service
>Clients are running 7.6.1
>This resolved all my 2008 issues. Hope this helps.
>Craig Hurst
>Systems Administrator
>ANSYS, Inc.
>craig.hurst AT ansys DOT com<mailto:craig.hurst AT ansys DOT com>
>Tel: 1.724.514.3607
>Fax: 1.724.514.3117
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>On Mon, Feb 7, 2011 at 1:34 PM, Werth, Dave
><dave.werth AT garmin DOT com<mailto:dave.werth AT garmin DOT com>> wrote:
>I didn't mention that the problem also affects our Exchange backups so it
>might be the same issue.  The Module for Exchange version is
>Incrementals for the most part have been ok so far but the full backups
>have been a problem.
>We never had the problem with 7.5.2 server.
>Dave Werth
>Garmin AT, Inc.
>Salem, Oregon
>-----Original Message-----
>From: EMC NetWorker discussion
>>] On Behalf Of Kevin Malone
>Sent: Monday, February 07, 2011 10:12 AM
>Subject: Re: [Networker] 7.6.1 - Savesets hang
>I am running and have been experiencing SQL backup hangs ever
>since I upgraded to this version from 7.4.4 over 3 months ago.  I have
>seen hangs on log file (incr) backups of SQL and failures on differential
>and full backups with errors being i/o 995 errors.  We have not been able
>to isolate the issue as of yet, and EMC engineering has been looking into
>this for some time.  This does not happen with traditional file level
>backups for the same servers, only with SQL.  We can backup SQL to a
>local file and then backup that file with no errors.  We use the SQL
>Module.  I have tried lots of combinations of older SQL clients and older
>NW client versions and are now down to only a couple of clients that have
>this behavior having downgraded to SQL Module versions 5.0 (for SQL 2005)
>or 5.1 (for SQL 2008).  This issue happens across all Microsoft OS
>versions, all SQL versions (2005 and 2008) and both 32 and 64 bit.
>I know this isn't the same issue as yours, Dave, but I am curious if
>anyone else out there is seeing similar issues with backups
>hanging/erroring with i/o 995.
>Kevin Malone
>Salisbury University
>Salisbury, Maryland
>-----Original Message-----
>From: EMC NetWorker discussion
>>] On Behalf Of Werth, Dave
>Sent: Monday, February 07, 2011 12:52 PM
>Subject: [Networker] 7.6.1 - Savesets hang
>We are running NetWorker 7.6.1 Server on Windows 2008 R2 Server.  This
>was installed a week ago last Friday.  Our old server was 7.5.2.
>I know this has been discussed before and I've spent some time searching
>the archives and the EMC PowerLink Knowledge Base without much luck.
>The problem is that on a somewhat random basis different savesets hang
>during backups, usually the bigger ones that take longer to backup.  I
>can often restart them by going onto the client and killing the save
>process but sometimes they hang again.  Our clients are a mixture of 7.5
>and 7.6 which doesn't seem to make a difference to the problem.
>Can anyone offer some help to me with the problem?
>Dave Werth
>Garmin AT, Inc.
>Salem, Oregon
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