
Re: [Networker] Adding a Superloader3

2008-03-11 11:49:03
Subject: Re: [Networker] Adding a Superloader3
From: Catalin Scarlet <catalin.scarlet AT STAR-GROUP DOT RO>
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2008 17:48:08 +0200

I had almost the same issue with solaris and inquire. Try to remove all records 
regarding tapes, reboot it and try again inquire.
Try sjisn 1.5.1 too..


Catalin Scarlet
Senior Technical Engineer

-----Original Message-----
From: EMC NetWorker discussion [mailto:NETWORKER AT LISTSERV.TEMPLE DOT EDU] On 
Behalf Of Michael Nored
Sent: 11 martie 2008 15:00
Subject: Re: [Networker] Adding a Superloader3

Since inquire did not come back with any drives it would seem that the OS is
not seeing the tape drives, do you have any entries in the /dev/rmt dir?

Michael Nored

-----Original Message-----
From: EMC NetWorker discussion [mailto:NETWORKER AT LISTSERV.TEMPLE DOT EDU] On
Behalf Of Nico De Ranter
Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2008 5:22 AM
Subject: [Networker] Adding a Superloader3


I'm trying to add a Quantum Superloader3 to my existing Networker
7.3.2build11 server but I have no luck getting it configured.

I've attached the autochanger to an empty scsi card. SCSI id is set to 5
(standard). Rebooted with 'reboot -- -r' (Solaris) to make sure the OS
sees it.  Did a 'scan for devices' and 'configure all libraries' via the
management console.  A new item pops up [email protected] however when I try
'configure library' I get a message saying 'library is not
auto-configurable, please use jbconfig to configure the library'. When I
try jbconfig it complains: 'The drives in this jukebox cannot be
auto-configured with the available information. You will need to provide
the path for the drives.' Providing something like '/dev/rmt/4cbn'
doesn't work.  I don't see a new device in the 'Devices' section in the
management console either.

I updated /kernel/drv/sd.conf to make sure all luns get scanned (is this
still necessary on Solaris 10?) and rebooted again but no luck.

Running 'inquire' does show the new autochanger
[email protected]:QUANTUM UHDL            0054|Autochanger
(Jukebox), /dev/scsi/changer/c4t5d1
                                           S/N: xxxxxxxxx
                                           ATNN=QUANTUM UHDL

In /var/adm/messages I see:

Failed to configure library `QUANTUM UHDL  WWNN=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' on
storage node `', err: no matching devices were found
for the library!

Any idea what I should do to convince Networker to use my autochanger?

Server: Solaris 10 AMD64
Networker: 7.3.2 build 11
Management console: 3.2.3 build 11
device: Quantum Superloader3 attached via SCSI

Thanks in advance,


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