
Re: [Networker] Archive/Backup Storage Class Recommendations?

2006-05-10 11:56:10
Subject: Re: [Networker] Archive/Backup Storage Class Recommendations?
From: Stan Horwitz <stan AT TEMPLE DOT EDU>
Date: Wed, 10 May 2006 11:50:32 -0400
On May 10, 2006, at 10:47 AM — 5/10/06, Albert Eddie Contractor AFRPA CIO/IT wrote:

We have a couple of people who have done some OJT on Networker 7.2.1 for
Windows and we will be migrating to 7.3.1 in the fall. We are looking
for formal classroom training, preferably with a certification at the
end of the course.

What courses would you recommend?

What training company do you recommend?

We are probably going to aim for a location around DC Area, but could
consider others.

The only thing I have found thus far is Global Knowledge course 1730
which even they admit is a new course for them. Any input appreciated
Semper Paratus y Fidelis, /ALE

Any training courses for 7.3 is going to be new because the software is so new. I am looking to attend some training on 7.3 too, to get some exposure to its new features, but pursuing such training now does not seem worthwhile until at least 7.3.1 ... and than there's the fact that my training budget is already depleted for this fiscal year!

That being said, if your colleagues can go up to the Boston area, check out the offerings of Cambridge Computer Services which is where I received training on earlier NetWorker versions. Cambridge Computer Services has a long and good relationship with me and Temple University so I have no problem recommending them for training or other backup consulting services. I believe Cambridge can arrange to do on site training, but for only two people, that option may not be cost-effective.

I don't know if the NetWorker courses that Cambridge Computer Services offers can lead to a certification, but I imagine such coursework is a good first step toward that goal.

See for details.

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