
Re: [Bacula-users] [Bacula-devel] Bacula manual is too outdated

2017-07-22 15:50:08
Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] [Bacula-devel] Bacula manual is too outdated
From: "LComputer AT t-online DOT de" <LComputer AT t-online DOT de>
To: Dan Langille <dan AT langille DOT org>, Wanderlei Huttel <wanderleihuttel AT gmail DOT com>
Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2017 21:48:32 +0200 (MEST)

Hi Dan, Hi Wanderlei, Hi Kern,


At first I have to admit that I'm not that kind of fairy dust native English speaker :-)


I'm nativ German and would be happy to provide some translations anyway.


But I have a strong technical interest, but would never have the time to do some direct programming stuff.


However I would be interested in updating and improving the manual.


And maybe I could also assist in doing some "basic" support. I'm sure I will need a lot time to learn more, but I think it's worth a try, isn't it?









Betreff: Re: [Bacula-users] [Bacula-devel] Bacula manual is too outdated

Datum: 2017-07-22T21:42:32+0200

Von: "Dan Langille" <dan AT langille DOT org>

An: "Wanderlei Huttel" <wanderleihuttel AT gmail DOT com>




On Jul 21, 2017, at 1:00 PM, Kern Sibbald <kern AT sibbald DOT com> wrote:

Hello Wanderlei,

Unfortunately, the community has rarely contributed to the manual, though they have feed in lots of information that I have put in the manual.  Perhaps 1 of every 20 submissions comes with documentation.  So it all falls on my back.  There is one exception to that, and it is the Enterprise manual, which is improving.  I have a project going with Bacula Systems to ensure that there is only one manual source rather than the two that currently exist.  Consequently there is a chance that within the next 6 months to a year that the manual will improve.

Developers including me detest writing documentation.  I write it because otherwise I spend too much time on support.  Even with a perfect manual, I spend too much time on support, because a lot of people do not read it.  Those are just facts of nature that we must live with unless a fairy goddess comes along and sprinkles some mother tongue technical person with fairy dust that causes him/her to get interested in the manual.

Best regards,


On 07/21/2017 06:38 PM, Wanderlei Huttel wrote:
Hello Kern

Always when is necessary to take a look in the manual is painful, because there are a lot of new features and improvements that not well documented and many times when we doesn't achieve what we want, we give up.
How could the bacula community could help to keep manual up to date? In the last releases it looks only "new features" was updated.
There are many settings it would be interesting to have more examples to be clearly.
Documentation is one of the easiest ways for community members to contribute to a project. No coding skills required. It is much easier than it sounds.
If anyone wants to get started, the bacula documentation mailing list archive has some suggestions regarding simple changes.
I'm on that mailing list, so if anyone want to get started, I'm happy to guide.
Dan Langille - BSDCan / PGCon
dan AT langille DOT org

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