
Re: [Bacula-users] bacula-fd cannot access files from the system still getting [permission denied]

2015-08-11 16:58:25
Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] bacula-fd cannot access files from the system still getting [permission denied]
From: Josip Deanovic <djosip+news AT linuxpages DOT net>
To: bacula-users AT lists.sourceforge DOT net
Date: Tue, 11 Aug 2015 22:49 +0200
On Tuesday 2015-08-11 11:24:49 JING YANG wrote:
> Dear Josip,
>        Thank you for your reply. ps aux | grep bacula-fd gives me the
> following:
> bacula   31630  0.0  0.1 198364  2936 ?        Ssl  11:09   0:00
> /usr/bin/bacula-fd -c /etc/bacula/bacula-fd.conf
> Does this look right? I have checked all the possible places for
> bacula-fd, all the permissions seem correct. I tried Heitor's way, but
> no luck. I am considering reinstall the bacula. If I do that, will all
> the previous backup be lost? Or, is there any other way I can somehow
> solve this problem?
> Thanks,
> Jing

Hi Jing,

There is no need for reinstallation of the bacula (unless you really
messed up something with its binaries and libraries).

Have you checked your bacula init script for clues where additional
initscript configuration could be found?
For example, on RHEL/Centos and bacula 7.x I have file 
/etc/sysconfig/bacula-fd which contains variables that can define a
user you want bacula to run with.

About the ps aux...
The line you have posted clearly shows that your bacula-fd daemon
is running as user called "bacula".
That is fine if you only need to backup files readable by the user called
bacula but if you want to backup complete system you almost certainly
want your bacula-fd daemon to be run as root.

So, check your initscript "/etc/init.d/bacula-fd". Look for variables
that are used as a parameter for the bacula-fd's "-u" option and look
for the files that might be included (sourced) from the initscript.
It is likely that the sourced file will contain few variables which
could be used to specify a user and a group your want your bacula-fd
daemon to run as.

Josip Deanovic

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