
Re: [BackupPC-users] Can't get BackupFilesOnly working (yes, I've googled)

2011-11-18 08:53:53
Subject: Re: [BackupPC-users] Can't get BackupFilesOnly working (yes, I've googled)
From: Holger Parplies <wbppc AT parplies DOT de>
To: Alex Machina <amachina AT cavtel DOT net>
Date: Fri, 18 Nov 2011 14:51:05 +0100

Alex Machina wrote on 2011-11-15 13:29:35 -0500 [Re: [BackupPC-users] Can't get 
BackupFilesOnly working (yes, I've googled)]:
> [...]
> How about if you try:
> $Conf{BackupFilesOnly} = ['/home/nbecker'];
> Don't see the need for specifying a "share name" for Linux using rsync.

that you don't see it doesn't mean there is none.

Your suggestion won't change anything, because internally BackupPC will "fix"
(to quote from the function name) your configuration into a hash of arrays
before using it. If you're so keen on simplification, you should use

        $Conf {BackupFilesOnly} = '/home/nbecker';

This will, likewise, be "fixed" by BackupPC with identical result.

I believe the reason for allowing these simplifications is to make it possible
for new users unaware of Perl syntax to get things right without much fuss. If
you already *have* the syntax right, there's no reason to simplify it. It
won't even save you any typing.
Actually, the simple syntax will break the day you add a second share,
presuming you don't want /home/nbecker to be the only thing backed up from the
second share, too. Presuming you're using a share name different from '/' (and
there are plenty of reasons to do that), things become even more obscure.
You'd have, for instance,

        $Conf {RsyncShareName} = '/home';
        $Conf {BackupFilesOnly} = '/nbecker';

which is understandable about as long as these two lines are adjacent.
Using the full hash-of-arrays syntax simply makes things as explicit and
understandable as possible: for share X backup only files [Y, Z]. Whether or
not that is the only share in your backup.


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