
Re: [BackupPC-users] UPDATED: Fully automated script for creating shadow copies and launching rsyncd

2008-12-14 05:02:23
Subject: Re: [BackupPC-users] UPDATED: Fully automated script for creating shadow copies and launching rsyncd
From: "Jeffrey J. Kosowsky" <backuppc AT kosowsky DOT org>
To: <backuppc-users AT lists.sourceforge DOT net>
Date: Sun, 14 Dec 2008 04:59:17 -0500
Updated version attached below:
Jeffrey J. Kosowsky wrote at about 15:52:56 -0500 on Friday, December 12, 2008:
 > The enclosed script (and a 1-line cmd.exe helper) cleanly and
 > automatically sets up shadow copies, mounts them, and launches the
 > rsync daemon without requiring any special configuration or changes to
 > your existing (non-shadow) rsyncd.conf script. It also cleanly unwinds
 > all the above when you are done rsyncing your files.
 > As a result, you should now be able to back up any (and all) files
 > that are locked under Windows such as registry files (e.g. ntuser.dat)
 > and databases (e.g. Outlook).
 > The script can easily be called directly from $Conf{DumpPreUserCmd}
 > and $Conf{DumpPostUserCmd} -- see the script for examples in
 > the comments.
 > The script itself (which uses some hairy recursion to get around
 > limitations in cygwin ssh, vshadow, and dosdev) is heavily documented.
 > Enjoy and if you use it, please send me feedback, bug reports,
 > enhancements, etc...
 > Jeff

    Version 0.2: First posted version
        Version 0.21:

        - Added USESHADOWS option to determine whether to fall back to
          rsyncd without shadows if shadow setup fails (or optionally not
          to even use shadows in the first place
        - Eliminated need to explicitly wait for rsyncd to setup (check
          rsync pid file instead)
        - Fixed rsyncd_kill function so that it only kills daemons (and
          the right one too)
        - Added ability to set options for rsync
        - Cleaned up code
        - Changed name of routines to shadowmountrsync and shadowexeccmd, 


# Mountrsyncshadows
# Copyright Jeffrey J. Kosowsky December 2008
# Version 0.21

# Description: automagically sets up (and takes down) shadow copies,
# shadow mounts, and the rsyncd daemon to allow you to seamlessly
# rsync to shadow copies of all the active modules in your current
# rsyncd.conf file WITHOUT any configuration changes or added settings
# to your existing setup non-shadow copy rsyncd setup. In particular,
# the program determines which shadows to create based upon the
# modules in your existing /etc/rsyncd.conf combined with what mounts
# actually exist.

# Usage:
# mountrsynchadows  
#       Sets up shadow copies, mounts shadows, and launches rsync
# mountrsyncshadows -d
#       Terminates rsync, kills shadow copies, unmounts, and cleans up
# If using as pre/post commands in BackupPC, try something like:
#$Conf{DumpPreUserCmd} =
#        '$sshPath -q -x -l kosowsky $host /usr/local/bin/mountrsyncshadows';
#        $Conf{DumpPostUserCmd} =
#            '$sshPath -q -x -l kosowsky $host 
/usr/local/bin/vshadow-scripts/mountrsyncshadows -d';
# NOTE: this doesn't make sense for the Restore commands since clearly
# shadow copies CANNOT be restored to since by definition they are
# read-only
# WARNING: This is beta software which has only been tested to work so
# far on my own XP sp2 setup in a limited number of situation. In
# particular, it may not work on other Windows version since the
# nature of shadow copy (and vshadow and dosdev) in particular has
# changed radically for Windows versions both prior to and post
# WinXP. Given the nature of shadow copy, it *should* (theoretically)
# not be capable of doing anything destructive to the source disk, so
# it's likely that the worse that would happen is that your backups
# would fail (or potentially be incomplete/corrupted). Feedback, bug
# reports, and enhancements are always welcome!!!
# NOTE: the companion 1-liner 'shadowexec.cmd' file MUST be in the
# same directory Also, both files need to be in the Administrators
# group and with group permissions +rx
#   vshadow.exe
#       Available from Microsoft downloads (make sure you get the
#       right version for your architecture!)
#   dosdev.exe
#       Again available from Microsoft downloads (as part of their
#       reporting tools). Also, be careful of the version since
#       different verssions seem to have different command line
#       interfaces. I obtained my copy from:
# NOTE: The program recurses through this routine 3 times because of
# the limitations first of ssh and then of vshadow. An additional
# '0th' pass is used to terminate the shadow copy & clean up.  

# In particular, cygwin ssh logins lack the authority to create shadow
# copies or set up dos devices since it is not a true authenticated
# user login. On the other hand, vshadow is quite crippled in XP since
# it cannot create shadow copies nor can they be easily
# mounted. Dosdev is necessary because cygwin does not (yet) allow
# direct mounting of shadow copy devices since they lie in the kernel
# namespace.
# Since the program recurses both under the login user and under the
# SYSTEM user (for ssh), you need to be attentive to permissions. The
# program tries to detect and log such errors, but in particular:
# vshadow, dosdev, this bash script (and its cmd.exe companion), the
# log & lock file, and the shadowdir should all be readable (and where
# appropriate writable & executable) by the Administrators group. Note also that
# the drive letter string ALL_DRIVELETTS can be restricted if you are
# likely to be mounting/unmounting temporary devices (like cds, dvds)
# requiring a fixed drive letter assignment during the rsync time. You
# do not need to restrict it for fixed drives (e.g. C:) since they are
# automatically avoided if present at the time of shadow creation.
# The recursion operates as follows:
# First, since the ssh login lacks the authority to create shadow
# copies or to set up dos devices, the program schedules an 'at' job
# (for the next minute) to recurse again through this routine. (If not
# launched from 'ssh' then for parallelism, the recursion is directly
# launched with cmd.exe).
# Then, 'vshadow' calls the routine a third time once the shadow copy
# has been set up to commplete the post-processing, including setting
# up device letters and mounting them and then starting the rsyncd
# daemon on an appropriately modified version of the original
# rsyncd.conf. This shadow -exec script needs a a 1-line helper bash
# cmd script since the -exec script can't take arguments and must be
# either a .cmd or .exe file. The shadow exec script (3rd pass) also
# works to keep the shadow copy alive (mimicking persistence) by
# launching the rsync daemon with the no-detach option.
# Finally, when the transfer is completed and rsyncd is killed, the
# whole recursion unwinds and everything gets cleaned up
# appropriately. 

# Note that pass #2 which sets up the shadow copies (which is also
# visible as the 'at' job if under ssh) and pass #3 (which is the
# script that mounts the shadow copies and launches rsync) remain
# alive until rsyncd is terminated. Pass #1 which kicks off the
# recursion hangs around until either a setup error is detected or
# until the setup is completed with the launch of the rsync daemon, at
# which time it returns and signals the result to the calling
# process. In particular, this initial pass returns '0' on success and a
# positive error code [1-8] on error.
# Indeed, the easiest/cleanest/best way to unwind the recursions and
# cause everything to reset gracefully is to kill the final 'rsync'
# process for which everything else ends up waiting. The '-d' option
# first tries to clean up gracefully like this but if it fails then it
# uses brute force to kill rsyncd, delete mounts, shutdown shadow
# copies, and remove lock files.
# Given the complexity of the multiple recursions, the program has
# been instrumented with plentiful (but optional) logging turned on by
# setting the $LOG variable to the log file you want to use. Indeed,
# the logging is fun and instructive to watch ;)
# By setting $STRICT you can ensure that shadow creation will abort if
# an rsync process or shadow copy is already running. Otherwise, it
# will kill existing shadows and rsync processes. It's probably a good
# idea to keep it set unless you are sure that you won't be colliding
# with another shadow copy process. The downside is that if something
# is stuck, then the routine will abort (and optionally log the
# result) rather than forcing a clean up.

##### Define variables

USESHADOWS=2 #0=no shadows, use straight rsync only; 
             #1=use shadows with rsync, error if shadows not available
             #2=try to use shadows first, if not available use straight rsync
RSYNCDCONF=/etc/rsyncd.conf  # Your original (non-shadow) version of rsyncd.conf
RSYNCDCONF_SHADOW=$SHADOWDIR/rsyncd.shadow.conf #Location for modified version
                                        #of rsyncd.conf (auto-generated)
RSYNCDPID=   #Should be set in rsyncd.conf file as "pid file" (override here)
SHADOWDIR=/shadow #Directory where shadow mounts are set up
   #MUST not be any dir where other things are mounted (e.g., / or /cygdrive)
   #Note this counts as part of file name length so don't make path too long
SHADOWEXECCMD=shadowexec.cmd #Name of 1-liner helper script
                             #Must be in same directory as this script
STRICT=1 #Set '1' if you want strict checking of error conditions before 
         #Specifically, won't start if 'lock' exists or 'rsync' already running
         #or if shadows already exist (if $USESHADOWS > 0)
SHADOWLOCK=/var/run/   #Name of shadow lock file
LOG=/var/log/shadow.log #Set if you want logging (advisable at least to start)
TIMEOUT=300  #Time in seconds 1st pass waits for setting up before timing out
SHORTTIMEOUT=10 #Time in seconds to wait for cleanup to finish & rsync to set up
#The following allow additional (optional) params to be passed to rsync daemon

##### Define some helper functions

# Relaunches current script (or optionally the command given in $@)
# via 'at' to get around $USERNAME=SYSTEM problem under ssh login
# where the shell lacks permsisions to run commmands like vshadow or
# dosdev
function at_relaunch {
    local h m s wait command
        if [ $# -eq 0 ] ; then
                command=$( (cd -P $(dirname $0) && pwd ))/$(basename $0)
    set -- $(date +"%H %M %S")
        h=$((10#$1))  #Note explicitly use base 10 so that 08 and 09 not 
interpreted as bad octal
        m=$((10#$2 +1)) #Advance minutes by 1
        wait=$((60 - $s))
    [ $s -gt 55 ] && let "m += 1" "wait += 60" # Make sure >5 seconds left
    [ $m -ge 60 ] && let "m %= 60" "h += 1" #Overflow minutes
    let "h %= 24"
        at $h:$m $(cygpath -w $(which bash.exe)) -c \"$command\" > /dev/null
        return $wait

# Populate SHADOWMOUNT with the drive letters (including colon) that are 
# both present in rsyncd.conf and that are actually mounted
function get_shadowmounts {
        #Extract the drive letter from rsyncd.conf, converting to uppercase
        local RSYNCMOUNTS=$(sed -ne "s%^[ \t]*path[ \t]*=[ 
\t]*/\(cygdrive/\)\?\([A-Za-z]\)\([ \t]*$\|[ \t]*#\|/\).*%\u\2%p" $RSYNCDCONF| 
sort | uniq | sed -e "s|$|:|")
        for mount in $RSYNCMOUNTS ; do #Eliminate mounts that are not actually 
                [ -d $mount ] && SHADOWMOUNT=("${SHADOWMOUNT[@]}" "$mount")

# Populate DRIVELETS with *free* drive letters starting from Z
function get_driveletters {
        local ALL_DRIVELETS="Z Y X W V U T S R Q P O N M L K J I H G F E D C B 
        for letter in $ALL_DRIVELETS ; do
                mount | egrep -q "^$letter:" \
                        || DRIVELETS=("${DRIVELETS[@]}" "$letter")
                [ ${#DRIVELETS[@]} -eq $1 ] && return

# Kill rsyncd process
function kill_rsyncd {
        # Note we only want to kill rsync daemons that are bound to our rsync 
        # file. In particular, we don't want to kill regular rsync processes
        # or even rsync daemons with an alternative rsync pid file that may be
        # associated with another conf file (and different port/address).
        [ -z "$RSYNCDPID" ] && RSYNCDPID=$(sed -ne "s/[ ]*pid file[ ]*=[ 
]*\(.*[^ ]\)[ ]*\(#.*\|$\)/\1/p" $RSYNCDCONF)
        [ -e "$RSYNCDPID" ] || return #No running rsyncd with our pid file
        local PID=$(< "$RSYNCDPID") # Read in PID
        if [ -n $PID ]; then
                ps -e | grep -q "^[^0-9]*${PID}.*${RSYNC}$" && kill -HUP $PID
                        sleep 1
                ps -e | grep -q "^[^0-9]*${PID}.*${RSYNC}$" && kill -KILL $PID
        [ -e "$RSYNCDPID" ] && rm -f "$RSYNCDPID" #Shouldn't be necessary...

# Delete shadows, unmount shadow mounts, and remove drive letters
function cleanup_shadows {
        local shadowmounts letter

        ( echo Y | $VSHADOW -da ) > /dev/null 2>&1 #Delete shadow copies and as 
        #positive side effect kills shadow process and spawned routines

        shadowmounts=$(mount | sed -ne "s|^\([A-Za-z]\): on $SHADOWDIR/[A-Za-z] 
        for letter in $shadowmounts ; do
                umount -s $SHADOWDIR/$letter 2> /dev/null #Unmount
                $DOSDEV "${letter}:" /D 2> /dev/nuul 
        # Note dosdev doesn't work from ssh due to permissions and probably
                # not necessary after shadows killed, but good hygiene

#Clean up
function clean_up {
         [ $USESHADOWS -gt 0 ] && cleanup_shadows
         [ -n "$LOG" ] && echo "..Finished clean_up... $PASS" >> $LOG
##### Start of main code

[ -n "$LOG" ] && echo -e "\n[$(date +"%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S")] 
[$PPID|$$][$USER|$USERNAME|$(id -un)|$(id -run)] $0 $*" >> $LOG #Log and 
timestamp each pass

#NOTE:  PPID=1 when coming in from 'at' or from 'cmd.exe
# We use this fact to prevent looping and determine where we are in 
#the recursion

# Check permissions each time through since (potentially) different user context
# i.e. make sure vshadow, dosdev and shadowexec.cmd are accessible
SHADOWEXECCMD=$(cygpath -w $( (cd -P $(dirname $0) && pwd ))/$SHADOWEXECCMD)
if [ $USESHADOWS -gt 0 ] && !(which $VSHADOW && which $DOSDEV \
                && [ -x $SHADOWEXECCMD ] ) > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then
        [ -n "$LOG" ] && echo -e "ERROR: Can't access '$VSHADOW' or '$DOSDEV' 
or '${SHADOWEXECCMD//\\/\\\\}'...\n" >> $LOG 
         #Note we need to protect the \'s in SHADOWEXECCMD
        if      [ $PPID -eq 1 ]; then
                echo -4 >| $SHADOWLOCK #Signal to calling routine
                exit 4
    elif [ $USESHADOWS -eq 1 ]; then 
                exit 4# Shadows required so unrecoverable error
                USESHADOWS=0 # Default to not using shadows

### PASS=0: Clean_up/termination (just a single pass independent of the others)
if [ "$1" = "-d" ] ; then # Terminate & clean up
        PASS="[Pass #0]"
        [ -n "$LOG" ] && echo "***Terminating and cleaning up shadows, mounts, 
and locks (PID=$$)...$PASS" >> $LOG
        if [ -e $SHADOWLOCK ]; then
                SCRIPTPID=$(< $SHADOWLOCK)
                if [ -n $SCRIPTPID ] && [ $SCRIPTPID -gt 0 ]; then
                        [ -n "$LOG" ] && echo -e "--Attempting to clean up 
gracefully...$PASS" >> $LOG
                        ps -e | grep -q "^[^0-9]*$SCRIPTPID.*/usr/bin/bash$" && 
                        sleep 1
                        ps -e | grep -q "^[^0-9]*$SCRIPTPID.*/usr/bin/bash$" && 
                        for ((WAIT=1; WAIT <=SHORTTIMEOUT; WAIT++)) ; do 
            #Wait for unwinding recursion to clean up by itself 
                                if [ ! -e "$SHADOWLOCK" ]; then #Successfully 
cleaned up by itself
                                        unset FORCE
                                sleep 1
        if [ -n "$FORCE" ] ; then
                [ -n "$LOG" ] && echo -e "--Manually clean up...$PASS" >> $LOG
                clean_up  #Didn't clean up by unwinding recursion, so call 
        [ -n "$LOG" ] && echo -e "--Termination completed...$PASS\n" >> $LOG
        exit 0

### PASS=1: Initial time through 
elif [ $PPID -ne 1 ] ; then #Launch initial recursion & wait for setup to 
        PASS="[Pass #1]"
        [ -n "$LOG" ] && echo "***Initial pass through (PID=$$)...$PASS" >> $LOG

        [ -z "$RSYNCDPID" ] && RSYNCDPID=$(sed -ne "s/[ ]*pid file[ ]*=[ 
]*\(.*[^ ]\)[ ]*\(#.*\|$\)/\1/p" $RSYNCDCONF)

        #First do some tests...
        if [ "$STRICT" = "1" ] ; then
                if [ -e $SHADOWLOCK ] ; then  #Lock file exists
                        [ -n "$LOG" ] && echo -e "ERROR: Lock file 
exists...$PASS\n" >> $LOG
                        exit 1 # Lock file exists
                elif [ -e $RSYNCDPID ] ; then #Rsync running
                        [ -n "$LOG" ] && echo -e "ERROR: Rsync daemon already 
running...$PASS\n" >> $LOG
                        exit 2 # Rsync daemon already running
                elif [ $USESHADOWS -gt 0 ] && \
                        ! vshadow -q | grep -q "There are no shadow copies in 
the system" ; then
                        [ -n "$LOG" ] && echo -e "ERROR: Active shadow copies 
exist...$PASS\n" >> $LOG
                        exit 3 # Active shadow copies already exist
        clean_up # Clean up no matter what - may be partially redundant but 
good hygeine
        touch $SHADOWLOCK
        #Check permissions on files we call.
        # Set up SHADOWDIR and check their permissions
        if [ $USESHADOWS -gt 0 ] && \
                ! ( stat -c %A $0 | grep -q "^....r.x" && \
                        [ $(stat -c %G $0 ) = "Administrators" ] && \
                        stat -c %A $SHADOWEXECCMD | grep -q "^....r.x" && \
                        [ $(stat -c %G $SHADOWEXECCMD) = "Administrators" ] && \
                        mkdir -m 775 -p $SHADOWDIR && \
                        chown $USER.Administrators $SHADOWDIR $SHADOWLOCK $LOG 
&& \
                        chmod g+rw $SHADOWLOCK $LOG ) ; then
                [ -n "$LOG" ] && echo -e "ERROR: Permissions error with '$0' or 
                rm $SHADOWLOCK #Not using shadows
                if [ $USESHADOWS -eq 1 ]; then #Shadows required so exit with 
                        exit 5 # Shadow permissions error
                        USESHADOWS=0 # Fall back to not using shadows

        if [ $USESHADOWS -gt 0 ] ; then
                if [ -n "$SSH_CLIENT" ] ; then
        #Relaunch using 'at' if you come in via ssh ($USERNAME=SYSTEM)
        #because then you won't have privileges to run vshadow and dosdev
                        at_relaunch  #Recurse
                        [ -n "$LOG" ] && echo "--Relaunching as SYSTEM user via 
'at' in $RET seconds...$PASS" >> $LOG
                else #Just relaunch directly (for consistency with recursion 
                        cmd.exe /C $(cygpath -w $(which bash.exe)) -c "$0" &
                        [ -n "$LOG" ] && echo "--Relaunching via 
'cmd.exe'...$PASS" >> $LOG
                [ -n "$LOG" ] && echo "--Initial pass going into background 
waiting for setup to complete...$PASS" >> $LOG

                while ((TIMEOUT--)) ; do #Wait for setup completion or timeout
                        [ -s "$SHADOWLOCK" ] && break
                        sleep 1 
                if [ -s "$SHADOWLOCK" ] ; then #Check to see if returned with 
                        RETURN=$((-$(< $SHADOWLOCK))) #Undo negative of error 
                        RETURN=8 #Timeout error
                if [ $RETURN -ge 6 -a $USESHADOWS -eq 2 ] ; then
                        USESHADOWS=0 # Fall back to trying rsync without shadows
    if [ $USESHADOWS -eq 0 ] ; then
                for ((WAIT=1; WAIT <=SHORTTIMEOUT; WAIT++)) ; do 
        # Wait for any potential unwinding shadows to clean up
                        [ -e $SHADOWLOCK ] || break
                        sleep 1
                [ -e $SHADOWLOCK  -o -e $RSYNCDPID ] && clean_up # Just in 
                $RSYNC --daemon --config=${RSYNCDCONF} 
                [ -n "$LOG" ] && echo "--Starting rsyncd daemon (WITHOUT shadow 
mounts) in background...$PASS" >> $LOG

        if [ $RETURN -le 0 ] ; then  #No error
                for ((WAIT=1; WAIT <=SHORTTIMEOUT; WAIT++)) ; do # Wait for 
rsync to set up
                        if [ -e "$RSYNCDPID" ]; then
                                [ -n "$LOG" ] && echo -e "..Rsyncd started 
successfully (PID=$(< $RSYNCDPID))...$PASS\n" >> $LOG
                                exit 0 # Exit 0 on success
                        sleep 1
                [ -n "$LOG" ] && echo -n "--Rsyncd failed to start...$PASS\n" 
>> $LOG
                RETURN=9 # Rsyncd failed to start
        clean_up # Clean up on failure...
        exit $RETURN # Return failure code

### PASS=3: Called by -exec command of vshadow
elif [ $PPID -eq 1 -a "$1" = "-e" ] ; then #Mount shadows & launch rsync
        PASS="[Pass #3]"        
        [ -n "$LOG" ] && echo "**Running exec command spawned by vshadow 
(PID=$$)...$PASS" >> $LOG
        #Create paired array of the drive letter and the windows shadow path
        SHADOWPAIRS=( `$VSHADOW -q | sed -ne "s/\( *- Original Volume 
name:.*\[\([A-Z]\):.*\)\| *- Shadow copy device name: */\2/p"` )

        if [ $NUMSHADOWS -ne ${#SHADOWMOUNT[@]} ] ; then
                [ -z "$LOG"] || echo -e "ERROR: Shadows created $NUMSHADOWS not 
equal to shadows requested (${#SHADOWMOUNT[@]})...$PASS\n" >> $LOG
                echo -6 >| $SHADOWLOCK
                exit 6
        get_driveletters $NUMSHADOWS
        [ -n "$LOG" ] && echo "..Drive letters=${DRIVELETS[@]}   $PASS" >> $LOG
        if [ $NUMSHADOWS -gt ${#DRIVELETS[@]} ] ; then
                [ -n "$LOG" ] && echo -e "ERROR: Not enough free drive 
letters...$PASS\n" >> $LOG
                echo -7 >| $SHADOWLOCK
                exit 7

        [ -n "$LOG" ] &&  echo "..Shadow mounts=   $PASS" >> $LOG
        for (( index=0 ; index < $NUMSHADOWS; index+=1 )) ; do
                # Create drive letter corresponding to shadow mount
                $DOSDEV "${DRIVELETS[$index]}:" "${SHADOWPAIRS[2*$index+1]}"
                # Mount drive letter
                mount -f -s "${DRIVELETS[$index]}:" 
                [ -n "$LOG" ] &&  echo "    
${DRIVELETS[$index]}:->${SHADOWPAIRS[2*$index]}:  ${SHADOWPAIRS[2*$index+1]}" 
>> $LOG
                [ -n "$LOG" ] && (echo -en "        " ; mount | grep 
"^${DRIVELETS[$index]}:") >> $LOG
                #Rewrite rsyncd.conf using appropriate shadow paths
                sed -i -e "s%^\([ \t]*path[ \t]*=[ 
\t]*\)/\(cygdrive/\)\?${SHADOWPAIRS[2*$index]}\([ \t]*$\|[ 
\t]*#\|/\)%\1$SHADOWDIR/${DRIVELETS[$index]}\3%i" $RSYNCDCONF_SHADOW

        kill_rsyncd #Should already be dead but kill again just in case...
        [ -n "$LOG" ] && echo "--Starting rsyncd daemon (with shadow mounts) 
and waiting for file transfer to complete...$PASS" >> $LOG
        echo $$ >| $SHADOWLOCK #Put PID in lockfile & signal that setup 
        $RSYNC --daemon --no-detach --config=${RSYNCDCONF_SHADOW} 
        [ -n "$LOG" ] && echo "--Rsync terminated: exiting & returing control 
to PASS=1...$PASS" >> $LOG
        exit 0

### PASS=2: Called by at or cmd.exe from initial recursion
else #Determine shadow mounts and launch vshadow
        PASS="[Pass #2]"
    [ -n "$LOG" ] && echo "**Running inital shadow setup (PID=$$)...$PASS" >> 
         ( echo Y | $VSHADOW -da ) > /dev/null 2>&1 #Delete old shadow copies
                # This should be redundant, but just in case...
         [ -n "$LOG" ] && echo "--Starting shadow copy and waiting for 'exec' 
script to terminate...$PASS" >> $LOG
         $VSHADOW -exec="$SHADOWEXECCMD" ${SHADOWMOUNT[@]} > /dev/null 2>&1
        [ -n "$LOG" ] && echo "--Vshadow terminated: cleaning up...$PASS" >> 
         #NOTE: vshadow doesn't finish until script $SHADOWEXECCMD script 
         clean_up # Should already be mostly cleaned up by unwinding of 
        [ -n "$LOG" ] && echo -e "--Done! Clean up completed...$PASS\n" >> $LOG
        exit 0

exit 9 #Shouldn't get here...

REM Shadowexec.cmd
REM Copyright Jeffrey J. Kosowsky December 2008
REM Version 0.2
REM This cmd.exe script file should be in the same directory as the
REM bash script: shadowmountrsync
@echo OFF
C:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe -c "$(cygpath.exe '%~p0\shadowmountrsync') -e"

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