
Re: application/amgtar patch for review

2009-08-21 15:05:56
Subject: Re: application/amgtar patch for review
From: Jean-Louis Martineau <martineau AT zmanda DOT com>
To: Christopher <chrismcc AT pricegrabber DOT com>
Date: Fri, 21 Aug 2009 14:59:04 -0400
Patch looks good.

All code that copy/rename listed incremental files should be done only if it is used.

If you disable --listed-incremental, you will get FULL backup at every run, is it what you want?
The amgtar_support function must output "MAX-LEVEL 0" in this case.


Christopher wrote:

        Recently I started using application-tool with amgtar to solve some
backup problems.  One of these problems is where several smaller
filesystems were merged creating a large filesystem.  The amanda backup
run using gtar started failing.  After much debugging I saw that the
gtar argument --listed-incremental /PATH was taking too long and failing
dumper: [request failed: timeout waiting for REP](too)
df -ih shows 14M inodes used

I switched from the standard gtar to a hacked application/amgtar with
these lines ripped out:
my_argv[i++] = "--listed-incremental";
my_argv[i++] = incrname;

The backup is currently running successfully :) Attached is a patch to
amgtar.c adding an option to disable listed-incremental based on the
atime option.  I have not tested this yet as the current run will not
finish for another 20 hours or so.  Can someone glance at the patch to
see if I missed anything?

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