
Re: amanda-2.5.2p1 on SCO 5.0.4

2008-07-23 20:54:38
Subject: Re: amanda-2.5.2p1 on SCO 5.0.4
From: "Dustin J. Mitchell" <dustin AT zmanda DOT com>
To: "Michael Reuland" <michael.reuland AT activant DOT com>
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2008 15:02:03 -0400
On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 2:38 PM, Michael Reuland
<michael.reuland AT activant DOT com> wrote:
> I have stripped the ~etc/amanda/amanda-client.conf file to only the actual
> configuration keywords and options.  I still get the similar response
> reporting the first line of configuration data from the file.

What happens if you switch the order of lines so that the first line
is e.g., the second?

> Is there a utility that I can run on the client to see if the config file is
> being read correctly?  I'd like to narrow down the problem.  Since I have
> the host server running w/ a different client (not SCO), I'd like to focus
> on the client platform to start with.

You can run 'amrecover' on the client.  It should give the same error messages.

On a completely unrelated topic, I'd like to know whether your SCO
system uses POSIX tapes or the old "uware" driver.  Can you run
  grep 'tape-.*\.c' device-src/Makefile
and send me the result?  I'm considering removing native uware (and
aix and xenix) support, since most systems have POSIX these days, and
since we don't have a way to test these other systems.


Storage Software Engineer

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