
Re: first time rotating tapes with Amanada

2007-11-26 17:05:14
Subject: Re: first time rotating tapes with Amanada
From: Chris Hoogendyk <hoogendyk AT bio.umass DOT edu>
To: gil AT vidals DOT net
Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2007 16:58:36 -0500

Gil Vidals wrote:
I'm new to Amanda and I'm preparing to rotate tapes for the first time. I have an autoloader that holds 10 tapes all under the amanda.conf as DailySet1. And I just ordered 10 more (new) tapes, but I'm not clear as to when do I pull out tapes and put in the new ones???

I currently have these dump cycle settings and my intention is for the fulls to occur every 5 days dumpcycle 5 days runspercycle 5 tapecycle 10 tapes
My crontab is set to run each day at the same time. /etc/crontab:
  45 16 * * 1-7 amanda amcheck -m DailySet1
  59 23 * * 1-7 amanda amdump DailySet1

1) Do I unload all 10 tapes?
     a) if yes, then do I create a DailySet2???
     b) if no, then which ones?

Depends on what you want to do.

I have a 16 tape library. My setup is dumpcycle 7 days, runspercycle 5, tapecycle 30. I only write tapes after each weekday. So my setup runs for 6 weeks before cycling back to the first tape.

Each monday, I do a `amtape daily update` to see what is in the library. Then I have a metal storage case that holds the rest of the rotation. I take the 5 oldest out of the library and replace them with the 5 oldest in the storage box. Then I'm good for another week. At any given point, I can recover anything for the past 2-3 weeks without having to mess around putting tapes into the library. That may not sound real clear, so I made a picture of it:

I have, at the moment, 5 tapes that I have tagged as "no-reuse" that are my archives. That will grow, according to my plan.

You may want to pull 5 as an archive, set them as no-reuse, label the new 10 appropriately for DailySet1, and continue with a rotation of 15 tapes. However, since you are running a tape every day of the week according to your cron, your dump cycle is shifting. If it started as M-F, then the next dumpcycle is Sa-W, and so on. So my approach of changing 5 tapes on Monday wouldn't work for you. You would have to change 7 each week, and your 10 is only a week and almost a half. So you might want to go with a tapecycle of 20, which would be almost 3 weeks.

We could both use larger tape libraries, but then this is gobs easier than single tape drives for each server. ;-)


Chris Hoogendyk

  O__  ---- Systems Administrator
 c/ /'_ --- Biology & Geology Departments
(*) \(*) -- 140 Morrill Science Center
~~~~~~~~~~ - University of Massachusetts, Amherst
<hoogendyk AT bio.umass DOT edu>

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