
Re: mutiple network interfaces

2007-10-09 15:08:20
Subject: Re: mutiple network interfaces
From: Benjamin Lewis <bhlewis AT purdue DOT edu>
To: "Krahn, Anderson" <AKrahn AT gs1us DOT org>
Date: Tue, 09 Oct 2007 14:59:47 -0400

> How do I tell Amanda to use a specific network interface if 2 exist on
> the system.
> For instance I would like Amanda to only use the ce4 interface..
> ce0: flags=1000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 1500 index 2
>         inet netmask ffff0000 broadcast
>         ether 0:3:ba:9a:4f:6f
> ce4: flags=1000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 1500 index 3
>         inet netmask ffffff00 broadcast
>         ether 0:3:ba:9a:4f:6f

It looks like you might be running Solaris on Sun hardware.  If you're
running Solaris 10, you can use inetadm to configure the bind_addr for
the amanda service to make sure it only listens on the
address.  Amanda should also use that address as the source in its replies.

If you're running Solaris 9 or earlier, you might need to install and
use xinetd rather than inetd to get the super-server to selectively
listen on particular interfaces for individual services.  Use the "bind"
 attribute in the service stanza in the xinetd.conf or in
xinetd.d/amanda file.

For other OSes, you're probably already using xinetd.  If not, there's
probably some way to tell inetd to bind to a particular address -- you
can run another copy of inetd bound to the correct address with its own
configuration file.

I hope this helps,


Benjamin Lewis, CISSP <bhlewis AT purdue DOT edu>
Security Analyst, Identity and Access Management
IT Networks & Security
Purdue University

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