
Re: Restoring from a holding disk?

2007-09-07 15:10:14
Subject: Re: Restoring from a holding disk?
From: Mario Silva <msilva AT nmcourts DOT com>
To: Josh Kelley <joshkel AT gmail DOT com>
Date: Fri, 07 Sep 2007 12:52:05 -0600
I preffer to use the amrecover, which is interactive and if amanda needs to look for chunks, amrecover will do it for you automaticly.


Josh Kelley wrote:

I checked the wiki and Google and couldn't find an answer.  How do I
restore from files on a holding disk if the dump has been split across
multiple chunks on the holding disk?

I have the following files:
alva._home.4    alva._home.4.2  alva._home.4.4
alva._home.4.1  alva._home.4.3  alva._home.4.5

I can restore from alva._home.4 using amrestore as normal:

amrestore -p alva._home.4 | tar xvf -

But that's obviously only part of the backup.

If I try to concatenate all of the files together, as the wiki
suggests when using amrestore to restore from a tape:

for i in `ls -1 alva._home.4*`; do dd if=$i >> wholedump.0; done

then run amrestore on wholedump.0, amrestore successfully processes
the data corresponding to alva._home.4 then gives the following

tar: Skipping to next header
gzip: stdin: invalid compressed data--crc error
gzip: stdin: invalid compressed data--length error

What's the correct procedure for restoring from holding disk files in this case?

Thank you.

Josh Kelley

Mario Silva
Systems Administrator
Supreme Court of New Mexico
Judicial Information Division
2905 Rodeo Park Dr. East, Bldg. #5
Santa Fe, NM 87505
Phone:  (505) 476-6959 / Mobil: (505) 660-1026
Fax:    (505) 476-6952

mailto: msilva AT nmcourts DOT gov


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