
Re: backup windows clients

2005-02-10 11:12:42
Subject: Re: backup windows clients
From: Chantal Rosmuller <chantal AT antenna DOT nl>
To: amanda-users AT amanda DOT org
Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2005 17:08:12 +0100
Jon LaBadie wrote:

On Thu, Feb 10, 2005 at 09:41:37AM +0100, Chantal Rosmuller wrote:
Hi, I have an amanda-windows question:
I got amanda running on a linux server with linux clients but now I want to use it for backing up windows 2003 servers as well,
I compiled amanda with samba support:

According to the documentation I have to put the following in the file disklist:

sambaservername  //windowsclientname/sharename backuptype

I dont understand why it wants a sambaserver? I thought amanda only used smbclient to connect to a windowsshare? I have the sambaserver software installed on the machine that runs amanda backupserver as well, but do I have to configure something?

The amanda server does not have to even have samba software installed.
It depends on an amanda client acting as the sambaserver.  So it needs
to know which amanda client is acting as the sambaserver for that
particular windows client.  Note, you could have several amanda clients
acting as samba server, each for several windows clients (spread the
load) and the amanda server is often an amanda client as well (backs
itself up) and thus could act as an sambaserver.

Thanks but sorry I still don't understand, what does the sambaserver do exactly? How does the samabserver have to be configured? I thought the purpose of a samba server was to make shares available on the network but windows clients can do that as well so why to they need the samabserver?


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