
Re: disklist and wildcard question

2004-01-15 13:10:37
Subject: Re: disklist and wildcard question
From: "Dan L. Ostrom" <dostrom AT umich DOT edu>
To: amanda-users AT amanda DOT org
Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2004 13:09:19 -0500
At 12:54 PM 1/15/2004, Jon LaBadie wrote:
On Thu, Jan 15, 2004 at 11:24:47AM -0500, Dan L. Ostrom wrote:
> All,
>       I am using amanda (2.4.4p1) on a 280R running Solaris 8 with a 10
> tape DLT IV autoloader. This is going to backup a SANS (256gb).
>       Since the SANS cannot have any *applications* installed on it (ie:
> the amanda client daemons), I am using gnutar to try to do the backups.
> amdump is working fine until I try to backup a directory that has many large
> files in a subdirectory. In order to allow amanda to copy the files to
> the 40gb (native) tape, I have put entries in the disklist file with
> wildcards for the files I want to include:
> disklist:
> myhost /data/los/2003 {
>       include "*200300*"
>       data-tar
>                       }
>       myhost is the SUN machine with the tape drive on it's scsi chain.
> The daemons are installed and in the inetd.conf and services file on this
> machine.
>       /data/los/2003 is the NFS mount directory off of the SANS.
> The total number of bytes for files with *200300* in the subdir is < 20gb.

Just so I've got the picture correct.

                             |- foo200200bar            # individual file, don't do
                             |- foo200300bar            # individual file, do
                             |- 200200 -- stuff         # dir with files and dirs, don't do any
   / -- data -- los -- 2003 -|- 200300 -- stuff         # dir with files and dirs, do all
                             |- foo200200bar -- stuff   # dir with files and dirs, don't do any
                             |- bar200300foo -- stuff   # dir with files and dirs, do all

I check as you have said "files with *200300*", but it is actually files AND directories
immediately under the "/data/los/2003" starting point that will be backed up entirely or
not at all.  Once tar starts at a particular directory, it does the entire tree.

        Right, in the 2003 directory, I want it to backup only files/dirs that contain
the pattern 200300 in the filename. I would have additional entries for 200301 - 200309
to pick up the remainder of the files on the 2003 directory as well.

        Running the command:

tar cvf /tmp/mytar *200300*

        does just tar up the files requested. Since amdump is running the same tar command
(yes, tar is gtar here), shouldn't the disklist file entries work? Or am I misunderstanding
what the include/exclude statements are for or how they function?


>       When I run amcheck against this, is exits without errors. When I run
>       amdump,
> I get the following error:
> myhost /data/los/2003 lev 0 FAILED [dump larger than tape, 74339580 KB, but
> cannot incremental dump new disk]
> planner: FATAL cannot fit anything on tape, bailing out

Amcheck doesn't know about sizes, so it would find no error.

Jon H. LaBadie                  jon AT jgcomp DOT com
 JG Computing
 4455 Province Line Road        (609) 252-0159
 Princeton, NJ  08540-4322      (609) 683-7220 (fax)
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