
disklist and wildcard question

2004-01-15 11:26:45
Subject: disklist and wildcard question
From: "Dan L. Ostrom" <dostrom AT umich DOT edu>
To: amanda-users AT amanda DOT org
Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2004 11:24:47 -0500
        I am using amanda (2.4.4p1) on a 280R running Solaris 8 with a 10
tape DLT IV autoloader. This is going to backup a SANS (256gb).

        Since the SANS cannot have any *applications* installed on it (ie:
the amanda client daemons), I am using gnutar to try to do the backups.
amdump is working fine until I try to backup a directory that has many large
files in a subdirectory. In order to allow amanda to copy the files to
the 40gb (native) tape, I have put entries in the disklist file with
wildcards for the files I want to include:


myhost /data/los/2003 {
        include "*200300*"

        myhost is the SUN machine with the tape drive on it's scsi chain.
The daemons are installed and in the inetd.conf and services file on this

        /data/los/2003 is the NFS mount directory off of the SANS.
The total number of bytes for files with *200300* in the subdir is < 20gb.

        When I run amcheck against this, is exits without errors. When I run 
I get the following error:

myhost /data/los/2003 lev 0 FAILED [dump larger than tape, 74339580 KB, but cannot incremental dump new disk]
planner: FATAL cannot fit anything on tape, bailing out

Am I using the incorrect syntax on my include statement, or is this not supported
in amanda?

I have tried searching google, but could come up with no examples of using wildcards in
the disklist file.


# Dan L. Ostrom               |  IT Contract Services       #
# TIDI Systems Manager        |  (734) 615-1324 (voice)     #
# Space Physics Research Lab  |  (734) 670-4001 pager)      #
# 2455 Hayward St.            |  (734) 615-9723 (fax)       #
# 2006 Space Research         |  (734) 647-5664 (voice-mail)#

                For fastest response, please submit all questions
            and service requests via email to:
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