
Re: [host u03: port 59982 not secure] / [access as amanda not allowed from root@u03]

2003-12-19 12:37:07
Subject: Re: [host u03: port 59982 not secure] / [access as amanda not allowed from root@u03]
From: Paul Bijnens <paul.bijnens AT xplanation DOT com>
To: Eugen Leitl <eugen AT leitl DOT org>
Date: Fri, 19 Dec 2003 18:34:12 +0100
Eugen Leitl wrote:

# chown root /usr/local/sbin/amcheck

Changing the owner is only part of the trick.  The binary has to
have the suid-bit set too.  Because you normally execute it as
user amanda, not as user root.

# /usr/local/sbin/amcheck daily

ERROR: [access as amanda not allowed from root@u03]

See the exact error message:  root@u03,
but in your .amandahosts file  your have not "u03", but an ipnumber.
And normally you should execute amcheck/amdump etc as user amanda,
that means that you need this line in the .amandahosts on the client:

u03 amanda

# cat /Disk2/usr-local/etc/amanda/daily/.amandahosts

The .amandahosts file needs to be in the home directory of the user
amanda on the client, not in the directory with the same name as the config. Or is the home directory of that user really /../amanda/daily ?
Verify with "getent passwd amanda". root amanda amanda amanda

I've tried chmod 'u+s' amchieck as well, to no avail. There isn't any NAT nor
firewall, it's an intranet.

You do need u+s, and you do need a correct .amandahost.  And both
conditions at the same time too.

There are other programs that need to have the suid-bit set and owned
by root.  If this is not the case, the installation was not correct.
Just reinstall the package.

Paul Bijnens, Xplanation                            Tel  +32 16 397.511
Technologielaan 21 bus 2, B-3001 Leuven, BELGIUM    Fax  +32 16 397.512          email:  Paul.Bijnens AT xplanation DOT com
* I think I've got the hang of it now:  exit, ^D, ^C, ^\, ^Z, ^Q, F6, *
* quit,  ZZ, :q, :q!,  M-Z, ^X^C,  logoff, logout, close, bye,  /bye, *
* stop, end, F3, ~., ^]c, +++ ATH, disconnect, halt,  abort,  hangup, *
* PF4, F20, ^X^X, :D::D, KJOB, F14-f-e, F8-e,  kill -1 $$,  shutdown, *
* kill -9 1,  Alt-F4,  Ctrl-Alt-Del,  AltGr-NumLock,  Stop-A,  ...    *
* ...  "Are you sure?"  ...   YES   ...   Phew ...   I'm out          *

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