
Re: slow amanda performance on ONE system.

2003-11-04 09:58:56
Subject: Re: slow amanda performance on ONE system.
From: "Toomas Aas" <toomas.aas AT raad.tartu DOT ee>
To: gene.heskett AT verizon DOT net
Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2003 16:57:22 +0200
> You have over 5 gigabytes of mail? I find that hard to believe, not 
> even a major spammer would have that much.

Alas. These days, when just about everybody sends mail in HTML format, 
it is customary to send HUGE .doc files back and forth and nobody ever 
deletes any old mail, it is not that uncommon.

Just an example from our mail server (ca 300 users):

root@data2:/data# du -h --max-depth=1 | grep MAIL
21G     ./MAIL
Toomas Aas | toomas.aas AT raad.tartu DOT ee |
* Why is there so much month left at the end of the money?