
Re: amanda skipped two runs.

2003-09-22 14:05:24
Subject: Re: amanda skipped two runs.
From: Bao Ho <bao AT gibbons DOT com>
To: amanda-users AT amanda DOT org
Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2003 11:01:54 -0700
First, sorry for the wrong indentation.
Here's the info I just found.

I thought it's just a quick question, turns out there may be more

Brian Cuttler wrote:

At my shop the amanda tapes are labeled MACHINxx and we use
the tapes in (assending) numeric order. If a run gets skipped
and it wants the next tape we actually maintain the ordering.

How are your tapes labeled ?
My virtual tapes (back up to disk) are labeled DailySet1-6, and correspond to Wed-Mon.
They are used in that fashion also.

Cron (well, the one I'm using) keeps a log file. You are right, syslog
(messages? what OS are you running?) file may also be of help.
RedHat Linux 9.0, kernel 2.4.20-18.9
Amanda 2.4.4p1-20030716
Server only backs up itself.

No suprious email, ie cron output ?
I reported in my subsequent email. I see two unusual messages in syslog:
application bug: dumper (PID) has SIGCHLD set to SIG_IGN but callls wait().
(see the NOTES section of 'man 2 wait'). Workaround activated.

Then, the server seems to be rebooted by someone at our place. It must have been a crash and then
a hang that caused someone to do that.

Bao Ho wrote:

Hi List,

I just found out the Amanda skipped two days' worth of backup on last Sat and Sun. It now insists on using the tape for Sat as the next tape for today's run. Is there any way I can force it to use
the correct tape for today w/o messing up the cycle?

Is there anything I can do to figure out why the backup didn't run?

I'm looking at syslog to see if anything happened before Sat.


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