
Re: Weekly amflush

2003-07-09 23:15:10
Subject: Re: Weekly amflush
From: "Brandon D. Valentine" <brandon AT dvalentine DOT com>
To: "Steven J. Backus" <backus AT math.utah DOT edu>
Date: Wed, 9 Jul 2003 16:42:43 -0500
On Wed, Jul 09, 2003 at 09:26:05AM -0600, Steven J. Backus wrote:
>   I'd like to do my daily dumps to the holding disk, then amflush
> it to the tapes over the weekend.  The suggestion I've heard here
> is to leave out the tapes, then put them in on Friday night, but
> what if I want to take Friday off?  Is there a way to do this
> automatically?

It might be more effort than you want to invest but you could write a
fake changer script which would lie to Amanda six days a week and then
every Friday tell Amanda it's found the correct tape.  Then you can
change the tape any time during the week you want as long as its before

Brandon D. Valentine
brandon AT dvalentine DOT com                        
Pseudo-Random Googlism:  peace is a mental construct

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