
Re: Newbie HOWTO

2002-09-12 10:52:04
Subject: Re: Newbie HOWTO
From: Eric Bergeron <bergeron AT caradas DOT com>
To: Mozzi <linux AT mostert.nom DOT za>
Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2002 10:36:00 -0400
Mozzi wrote:
Hallo all

As mentioned earlier I am busy writing a newbie HOWTO.
Will anybody mind if I post it to the list ?
I want evereybody to look @ it to check if I didn't make any major mistakes ;-)
I don't mind. I want to see where I messed up on configurating Amanda. *grin*

I have only done the prelimenary setup procedures sofar (no config files)

If anybody minds please let me know

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