Re: Does TSM support the 3581 LTO changer in manual mode?

2001-06-20 16:37:45
Subject: Re: Does TSM support the 3581 LTO changer in manual mode?
From: "France, Don G (Pace)" <don.france-eds AT EDS DOT COM>
Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2001 15:38:42 -0500
Ooops... I think Nick is right;  one *could* define separate libraries, but
I like his idea, better -- this should work for a manual library (even
3581's, but not under RSM Win2K), but (hey!) that was the question.  Just
point each drive/dev to the same "manual" lib, use unique drive-name and you
should be okay.

You don't need single library for copypools, but you do need more than one
drive, unless your diskpool can -forever- contain the primary pool and never
migrates to tape.

I have several sites with multiple libraries; for single-drive library
sites, we have to design the solution so copypools are defined in the
devclass for a library other than the primary pool.