Re: Cleaning Carts (Recyclable?)

2001-03-23 12:02:51
Subject: Re: Cleaning Carts (Recyclable?)
From: James R Owen <Jim.Owen AT YALE DOT EDU>
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 12:01:32 -0500
Do you remember the "continuous" cloth toweling that once was dispensed
"one area per pull" for wiping hands, etc. in the public toilet & lavatory
facilities of American bus, train, and gas stations? (Yeah, I'm over 50...)

Who knows?  Suppose the janitor doesn't have a clean roll, so he recycles
the same roll through the dispenser again.  Are you feeling lucky (or yucky?)

My guess is that a cleaner cartridge is like a rope in having a "working
load" rating that is lower than the "breaking point."  If you find that 3590
cleaning cartridges rated for 100 swipes can actually clean effectively for
substantially more swipes, please post your results back to the list.  (We
are currently saving our used cartridges, in case you get good results !<;*)

Allen Barth wrote:
> Richard is correct in once a "cart" is ejected from the 3494, the vol info
> is deleted from the 3494 database.  However, both our operators and I have
> re-inserted 'used up, ejected' cleaner carts and the 3494 happily uses them
> again.  So the question then becomes "Are these cleaner carts doing
> anything usefull?"

Jim.Owen AT Yale DOT Edu   (203.432.6693)
Jim.Owen AT Yale DOT Edu   (203.432.6693)
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