Re: Netware hangs

2000-02-28 09:30:55
Subject: Re: Netware hangs
From: Larry Way <Larry.Way AT TRW DOT COM>
Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2000 06:30:55 -0800
Would need more information about NDS structure but this sounds like a network 
communication problem with NDS....

Good Luck

Larry Way
408-743-4242  voice
408-743-4201  fax

>>> John.Naylor AT SCOTTISH-SOUTHERN.CO DOT UK 02/28/00 02:58AM >>>
Hi everybody,
Has anyone with netware ADSM clients got a solution to a regular problem we are
seeing of netware clients being prompted for a schedule, the session initiating
then immediately going into idle wait state, and timing out after 90 minutes
when the idle time out is exceeded.
The netware client that hang show in their schedule logs, as the last thing
before the hang "connecting to netware file system".
The server is os390 ADSM
The netware clients are 4.1.1 service pack 7 with ADSM client code of 3.1.03 and
We are switching our clients to 3.1.08 because IBM suggested this as a fix to
the problem.
However we still see the same hangat 3.1.08 , but it does have one advantage
that at 3.1.08 you can break out of the hang by rreloading the schedule, which
at 3.1.03 abends the netware client.
Anyone got any thoughts, experience with this.

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