Re: ADSM TCP/IP error - Frame Relay

2000-02-08 04:15:27
Subject: Re: ADSM TCP/IP error - Frame Relay
From: Heinz Flemming <flemming AT RZ.UNI-KARLSRUHE DOT DE>
Date: Mon, 8 Feb 0100 10:15:27 +0100
According to Richard Sims:
> >Try increasing the value of commtimeout in your dsmserv.opt file and
> >restarting *SM.
> Don't forget the v3 SETOPT command, whereby you can change many server
> options such as COMMTimeout without restarting.

  ... which adds an additional line with this option at the
  end of the dsmserv.opt file.

  Therefore, don't forget to correct your dsmserv.opt file
  after the SETOPT command.

Heinz Flemming                             flemming AT rz.uni-karlsruhe DOT de
Heinz Flemming                             flemming AT rz.uni-karlsruhe DOT de
Rechenzentrum, Universitaet Karlsruhe
Zirkel 2, Postfach 6980
D-76128 Karlsruhe

Telefon: 0721 - 608 6427                              Fax: 0721 - 37550
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