Re: Delete Filespace Hangs when you have WAIT=Yes

1999-05-21 11:40:17
Subject: Re: Delete Filespace Hangs when you have WAIT=Yes
From: Andreas Buser <Andreas.Buser AT BASLER DOT CH>
Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 17:40:17 +0200
The WAIT=YES means taht your client HAVE to WAIT until this request is

Keep in Mind that a delete Filespace is a long running command (which is
executed asychronius)  if there are a feww 10'000s of files to be

So it's no an error, it works as it is designed for!

This feature (Wait=yes) is specially usefull if use scripts.

"Mapes, Mark" wrote:
> Hello,
> When I issue a Delete Filespace with the Wait=Yes option, my client hangs.
> >From another Admin client, I see the process just sit there at zero files
> being deleted.
> After a long period of time, I issue a cancel on the process, but the
> process never (or at least it stays for a long time).  I get rid of the
> process by cycling ADSM.
> If I do an AIX sar command, I can't detect any work being done during this
> process.  So my guess is that the Delete Filespace never really gets
> started.
> I got AIX 4.2 and ADSM Server Version 3, Release 1, Level 2.20.
> Do any of you also have this problem?
> Thanks.
> Mark Mapes
> PG&E


Kind Regards
Andreas Buser

Tel: ++41 61 285 73 21  Fax: ++41 61 285 70 98

Email: Andreas.Buser AT Basler DOT ch

Basler Versicherungsgesellschaft
Andreas Buser
Abt. Informatik
Aeschengraben 21
4002 Basel
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