VSSPOLICY and Excludes


Active Newcomer
Dec 19, 2014
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I'm having trouble with a SQL Server that is configured with TDP for SQL client 7.1.1. If I manually execute SQLFULL.CMD, the databases are backed up, but when the scheduler kicks off the batch, it fails:

ACO5204E None of the specified databases exist or are available for backup.

Return code was 464

While trying to trouble shoot the problem, I decided to exclude the large database as it is several terabytes in size. However, I'm unable to figure out how to do this with VSS. In TDPSQL.CFG you can specify VSSPOLICY * dbname FULL TDPSQL_MC. But how would you setup an exclude? The typical exclude statements in DSM.OPT for legacy mode SQL backups seem to be ignored for VSS full database backups.
As it turns out Legacy mode backups work with the local system account having public access in SQL. VSS SQL backups require higher permissions in SQL, our DBA granted sysadmin access to a domain account and the scheduled backup began working for both Legacy mode differentials and the full VSS backup. Now we are looking at abandoning SQL VSS, even though it is more efficient because or restore testing problems.