[Urgent]Why expiration job makes the archive backup job fail?


Oct 13, 2011
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Hi all,
I have a question about the relationship between expiration job and archive backup job. Expiration is scheduled run at 06:00 everyday, and archive backup job scheduled at 18:30
tail dsmerror.log
06/27/11 19:32:15 fsCheckAdd: unable to update filespace on server
06/27/11 19:32:15 ANS1228E Sending of object '/opt/IBM/ISC601/*' failed
06/27/11 19:32:15 ANS1301E Server detected system error

06/27/11 19:33:05 ANS1512E Scheduled event 'PISCCBAD1' failed. Return code = 12.

tsm: TSM_PRD>q proc

Process Process Description Status
-------- -------------------- -------------------------------------------------
5,600 Backup Storage Pool Primary Pool ARCHIVE_T01, Copy Pool
OFF_ARCHIVE_T01, Files Backed Up: 8323745, Bytes
Backed Up: 5,326,318,357,718, Unreadable Files:
0, Unreadable Bytes: 0. Current Physical File
(bytes): 593,355,235 Current input volume:
A00747L3. Current output volume: A00206L3.
7,134 Expiration Examined 59254228 objects, deleting 0 backup
objects, 66896 archive objects, 0 DB backup
volumes, 0 recovery plan files; 0 errors

tsm: TSM_PRD>q actlog s=expiration begind=-1

Date/Time Message
-------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------
06/27/11 06:00:11 ANR0811I Inventory client file expiration started as
process 7134. (SESSION: 41645, PROCESS: 7134)
06/27/11 06:00:11 ANR2753I (PADM1EXPD1):ANR0811I Inventory client file
expiration (SESSION: 41645)
06/27/11 06:00:11 ANR4391I Expiration processing node CLU-BKUP, filespace
/opt/IBM/ISC601, fsId 26, domain FS_BKUP, and management
class WEEKLY - for ARCHIVE type files. (SESSION: 41645,
PROCESS: 7134)
06/27/11 06:00:11 ANR4391I Expiration processing node CLU-BKUP, filespace
/opt/IBM/ISC601, fsId 26, domain FS_BKUP, and management
class WEEKLY - for ARCHIVE type files. (SESSION: 41645,
PROCESS: 7134)


your error from the client is from 19:32 and the expiration on the server is from 06:00 - I do not see any relationship between these two right now.
When using Google for that error you get multiple responses - none of them seems to find the root of the problem - just few workarounds:

Try to stop/start the server, try to run manual backup/archive of the filespace (with expiration stopped/with expiration in progress) - normal troubleshooting steps.

Sorry I cannot help you more right now ...
