Upgrade to TSM 5.3 w/ TSM 5.2 Web interface messes up admin window frame


Jul 18, 2005
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I just upgraded a AIX 5.3 TSM server to TSM and also installed the migration

TSM 5.2 Web interface. The 5.2 Web interface basically works, but the

center frame is missing. The left hand navigation bar is correct, but when

I open up something that should produce content in the center frame, instead

it opens a whole new window and puts the content there. I can limp along

with this behavior, but it is annoying to have to go back and forth between

two windows. This happens on every browser we try, both Explorer and Netscape,

so it isn't tied to the browser I don't think.

If this is an old topic I am sorry, I looked for it on the archives

and couldn't find it. I posted it to the listserv, but didn't get a single reply. I have

trouble believing it is happening to us, but no one else.

Best Regards,

John D. Schneider

Technology Consultant
I have exactly the same problem but I am running TSM 5.2. My TSM config hasn't been recently changed so I am at a loss as to why this is suddenly happening.
I am a customer site where I am loading TSM 5.3.2. With 5.3.2 when you try to load the web files it now gives you an error "DDelete objects not a valid command" and stops loading.

I know this is no help to you, but at least your interface is somewhat functional. I now have to spend two days teaching the customer command line since they REFUSE to load the ISC.

As far as Steve's problem, he just needs to reload the dsmserv.idl. Try to get a new copy then load it while the tsm server is off line. (dsmserv runfile dsmserv.idl) That should take care of the problem. :)

I've exactly same problem my server runs on AIX 5.3 (TSM Version 5, Release 2, Level 4.0) and problem just become after upgrade to ML 03 (OS). Hope this helps :cry:
Its a known error of AIX ML03 and TSM will not work. My Costomer Advocate told me to NOT upgrade to AIX if I am running TSM.
