Unable to read disk definition file dsmserv.dsk.


Active Newcomer
May 19, 2014
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Hi Im trying to restore Database using DBBackup, but Im getting error as follows

ANR0900I Processing options file C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\server\dsmserv.o-
ANR7800I DSMSERV generated at 12:46:38 on Mar 15 2010.

Tivoli Storage Manager for Windows
Version 5, Release 5, Level 4.2

Licensed Materials - Property of IBM

(C) Copyright IBM Corporation 1990, 2009.
All rights reserved.
U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure
restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corporation.

ANR4726I The ICC support module has been loaded.
ANR7808W Sun Microsystems Library Attach module libacs.dll is not available
from the system.
ANR0212E Unable to read disk definition file dsmserv.dsk.

dsmserv.dsk file is intact and correct, Here is my dsmserv.dsk file content


Please help me how to work it out, Thank in advance.
What is the full command that you're running? Where are you running it from? Where is the .dsk file located? Are the permissions on the file appropriate?
I have installed TSM 5.5 on Windows platform.

I've issued command from following location, with logmode normal (while performing DBBackup, logmode is normal)

C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\server>dsmserv restore db dev=seqdevc vol=E:\STG\SEQPOOL\01370479.DBB

Here is the content of my volhist.out file (C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\server1\volhist.out)

* Sequential Volume Usage History
* Updated 05/29/2014 19:04:40
* Operation Volume Backup Backup Volume Device Volume
* Date/Time Type Series Oper. Seq Class Name Name
2014/05/29 12:05:52 STGNEW 0 0 0 SEQDEVC E:\STG\SEQPOOL\0000000B.BFS
2014/05/29 12:07:37 STGDELETE 0 0 0 SEQDEVC E:\STG\SEQPOOL\0000000B.BFS
2014/05/29 12:11:36 STGNEW 0 0 0 SEQDEVC E:\STG\SEQPOOL\0000000C.BFS
2014/05/29 12:11:42 STGNEW 0 0 0 SEQDEVC E:\STG\SEQPOOL\0000000D.BFS
2014/05/29 12:15:18 STGNEW 0 0 0 SEQDEVC E:\STG\SEQPOOL\0000000E.BFS
2014/05/29 12:15:42 STGNEW 0 0 0 SEQDEVC E:\STG\SEQPOOL\0000000F.BFS
2014/05/29 18:01:01 STGDELETE 0 0 0 SEQDEVC E:\STG\SEQPOOL\0000000C.BFS
2014/05/29 18:01:02 STGDELETE 0 0 0 SEQDEVC E:\STG\SEQPOOL\0000000D.BFS
2014/05/29 18:01:02 STGDELETE 0 0 0 SEQDEVC E:\STG\SEQPOOL\0000000E.BFS
2014/05/29 18:01:02 STGDELETE 0 0 0 SEQDEVC E:\STG\SEQPOOL\0000000F.BFS
2014/05/29 19:04:38 BACKUPFULL 4 0 1 SEQDEVC E:\STG\SEQPOOL\01370479.DBB

Location of my dsmserv.dsk file is C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\server1\dsmserv.dsk
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Well, I'm not much of a Windows person, and I haven't used 5.5 in many years, but I assume the problem is that you are starting dsmserv from \TSM\server\ but the files it needs to read are in \TSM\server1\. Can you start dsmserv from the \TSM\server1 directory somehow?

Something like this?

C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\server1>C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\server\dsmserv restore db dev=seqdevc vol=E:\STG\SEQPOOL\01370479.DBB
It's likely because the instance was recreated from server, instead of server1, and now the registry is looking for the instance under server instead.

I bet if you look in the registry under this key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\IBM\ADSM\CurrentVersion\Server\Server1, that the value for path points to "C:\Program Files\Tivoli\server". If that is the case, you can very very carefully change it to C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\server1

Look as well under the subkeys Accounting, Options and Service, and also very very carefully change "server" to "server1" where a path is specified.

After that, retry your restore like RGG suggested.