Unable to open timer - TDP Domino schedule


May 6, 2003
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dom_error log

01/06/2006 17:00:18 UseExternalTimer: Unable to open timer file '\s32k.', errno=2, error:No such file or directory


01/06/2006 17:00:27 UseExternalTimer: Unable to open timer file '\s3d0.', errno=2, error:No such file or directory

These messages show up each time we try to start a new scheduler for the TDP Domino client. We have another scheduler running for TDP Domino for hourly logs and this is a second one to be used for nightly incremental backups.

Does anyone know what this error message means? I've tried looking on the IBM Tivoli search site.
Yeah, I'm seeing it now. :sad:

It is appearing for me on a Windows 2000 server also running the TDP agent. Currently the TDP agent is running OK, as is the scheduler for the TDP, but when we try to schedule a backup with the local client, I am getting:

UseExternalTimer: Unable to open timer file '\s384.', errno=2, No such file or directory

Windows 2000

TDP for DOmino version

Domino server version 6.0 (No Logging)

TSM client version

Can anyone lend any assistance as to why this is happening?


Hello there.

I got the error on a w2k3 server on the regular client scheduler.

edit: w2k3 server with all patches. tsm:

Simple solution on this problem:

Use the setup wizard in the backupGUI and remove that scheduler and after that install it again. An update will not help you out.

This solution is based on that this problem is in the registry.

you see:

open regedit and search for your "missing file", in my case so0

You will find it in a key called "CadSchedTimer"="\so0." in

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMControlSet001ServicesTSM Central SchedulerParameters]

When I compared it with another server with the same setup so didnt CadSchedTimer excist. So somehow so should this work without it.

So I removed it (after exporting the registry).. and tryed to get the service to go again. ... but no.

dsmerror.log declared a new error msg:

ANS0299E Scheduler cannot be started manually because the value of MANAGEDSERVICES option is SCHEDULE.

Ok. So by removing that regkey didnt do the trick, but obvious registry was involved.

So my next attempt was to somehow remove all entrys in the registry.

First I tryed to update the scheduler thru the backupGUI but that didnt change my errormsg. So the update didnt fix my registry problems.

So I used the same wizard to remove the client scheduler service and when I did that so could I see in the registry that all related values was removed.

When I installed my scheduler from the beginning again after that so was everything ok again.


The problem was, everytime I would start the Scheduler Service it would immediately shutdown again.

I received this error in the dsmerror.log:

UseExternalTimer: Unable to open timer file '\s1fo.', errno=2, error:No such file or directory

After reading Blippo's post (thanks Blippo!), I searched the registry for CadSchedTimer (I couldn't find "missing File") and found the same entry (slightly different file name value). Although, it seems that these files are constantly changing names, they are always located in the root directory.

I noticced in Blippo's post, that he made adjustments in ControlSet001 instead of CurrentControlSet. I believe ControlSet001 and ControlSet002 are copies of the CurrentControlSet (this is just an assumption on my part). So I followed Blippo's example and found that working machines did not have the CadSchedTimer key that the problem machine had.

I removed the whole CadSchedTimer key:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TSM Scheduler\Parameters\CadSchedTimer]

It works fine now. Didn't even need a reinstall or reboot.

Thanks, blippo for pointing me in the right direction!
