TSM V7.1 collocation by FileSpace


Active Newcomer
Nov 4, 2015
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I Have a tsm server V7.1 configured with 03 storage Pools:

- DISKPOOL : Local primary DISK storage pool (disk on tsm server) that will be used for first disk to disk backup and after completeing all backup all its data will migrated to the LTOONSITEPOOL
- LTOONSITEPOOL: primary storage pool in the Library
- LTOFFSITEPOOL : Copy storage pool that will externalized off site

I want that some backuped files of a specific node be placed in a seperate cartridge on the LTOONSITEPOOL and on the LTOFFSITEPOOL.

In order to configure collocation : Does I need to only define collocation on the LTOONSITEPOOL and on the LTOFFSITEPOOL or also on the DISKPOOL

In order to configure collocation : Does I need to only define collocation on the LTOONSITEPOOL and on the LTOFFSITEPOOL or also on the DISKPOOL

You don't need to define collocation on DISKPOOL.

Like Martin said, you only need to configure collocation on pools where you want collocation.

Be careful with collocation by filespace, this will apply to all the nodes and all filespaces. This means you will go through a lot more tapes.

So you would need something like this:

- DISKPOOL1 : Local primary DISK storage pool (disk on tsm server) that will be used for first disk to disk backup and after completeing all backup all its data will migrated to the LTOONSITEPOOL
- LTOONSITEPOOL: primary storage pool in the Library
- LTOFFSITEPOOL : Copy storage pool that will externalized off site

- DISKPOOL2 : Local primary DISK storage pool its data will migrated to the LTOONSITEPOOL_COLLOC
- LTOONSITEPOOL_COLLOC: primary storage pool in the Library
- LTOFFSITEPOOL_COLLOC : Copy storage pool that will externalized off site

So, you would need a new management class for backups that are collocated. So all nodes that won't be collocated will go to DISKPOOL1 and those that are to be collocated to DISKPOOL2.

It may be easier to create 2 policy domains, one for non-collocated and one for collocated. That way, each will have a default management class going to the right pool
Thanks a lot Martin & Marclant

"Be careful with collocation by filespace, this will apply to all the nodes and all filespaces. This means you will go through a lot more tapes."
Martin : I want to active collocation only on specific files of only one node (AIXSRV) and I think do it like this ;

define collocgroup AIXGROUP
define collocmember AIXGROUP AIXSRV filespace=/usr/Yearly_Backup.bkp

Does this procedure will activate on all nodes and all filespace??? Im not very famailiar with TSM and I really need you help

Thanks in advance.
define collocgroup AIXGROUP
define collocmember AIXGROUP AIXSRV filespace=/usr/Yearly_Backup.bkp
That won't work, collocgroups only work for collocation by group. And if you were to use by group, then all nodes that are not a member of a group are treated as their own individual group.

To achieve what you want, you really need two sets of storage pools. And as I mentioned, if you do two domains two, it's easier too.
So you can keep your existing domain:
- make a copy of that domain and call it collocation
- create the new stgpool hierarchy for collation
- update the default management class to point to the new diskpool (not collocated), but migrating to an LTO collocated pool
- update the nodes to be collocated to be in the new domain
- create new backup schedules for these nodes
Thanks Marclant. So to recap; I will need to create :

1/ - DISKPOOL1 : LLocal primary DISK storage pool its data will migrated to LTOONSITEPOOL
- LTOONSITEPOOL: primary storage pool in the Library
- LTOFFSITEPOOL : Copy storage pool that will externalized off site
- DISKPOOL2 : Local primary DISK storage pool its data will migrated to the LTOONSITEPOOL_COLLOC
- LTOONSITEPOOL_COLLOC: primary storage pool in the Library
- LTOFFSITEPOOL_COLLOC : Copy storage pool that will externalized off site

2/ Create two policy domains: CollocDomain for collocated and one NonCollocDomain or collocated.
3/ Associate My AIXSRV node with CollocDomain and other nodes to NonCollocDomain

But does I still need to :
- Create collocgroups and define collocmembers ?
- Update Storage pool to enable collocation and How?
- Update Nodes and How

Using the method above does all nodedata of AIXSRV node will be placed in LTOONSITEPOOL_COLLOC ? If I want just one filepace for this node how to do this and Where to specify only one filespace name.

Thank you.
UPDATE STGPOOL to change collocate setting to required No,Group,Node or Filespave
- Create collocgroups and define collocmembers ?
Only if you plan to collocate by group, but you indicated you want to collocated by filespace, so the answer is no. Technically, you could still collocate by group, but it would be a lot of work because you would need two collocation group. One that has all the nodes in it, so all the nodes are collocated together as one group, and then another group with just one node and one filespace. Anytime you create a new node, you would have to add it to the first collocation group, otherwise if the node is not part of a group, it's considered it's own group.
source: https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSGSG7_6.3.0/com.ibm.itsm.srv.doc/t_colloc_planning.html
Update Storage pool to enable collocation and How?
HELP UPDATE STGPOOL: look for the collocation option
- Update Nodes and How
HELP UPDATE NODE: look for the domain option

Using the method above does all nodedata of AIXSRV node will be placed in LTOONSITEPOOL_COLLOC ? If I want just one filepace for this node how to do this and Where to specify only one filespace name.
You can't. If you collocate by filespace, all filespaces will be collocated separatly. If you only want one filespace separate, you could do this instead:

Create new LTO collocated stgpool: LTOONSITEPOOL_COLLOC
Create new management class in existing domain example (MC_LTO_COLLOC)
Create a copy group in MC_LTO_COLLOC pointing to LTOONSITEPOOL_COLLOC

In the client option file, add an include for the only filespace you want collocated:
include /data MC_LTO_COLLOC

So ALL filespaces will continue to go to the default management class, except /data which will go to MC_LTO_COLLOC which points to LTOONSITEPOOL_COLLOC