TSM server configuration as create comamnds


Jul 13, 2015
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some databases have the feature to create backup of database as plain text with sql commands like:
create database ...
create table ...
insert value into table ...

In such way works the TSM command BACKUP DEVCONFIG but it only focus on devclasses.
Is there a similar possibility to create backup as plain text for other objects (domains, policy sets, management classes, copy groups, storage pools, etc.)?
Theoretically it is possible to create script based on selects but I think it's quite a lot of work...

Thank you very much for your hints,
All these items are part of the database backup, so there is no need to back them up again. The volume history and the device config are the 2 exceptions, while also stored in the DB, are needed to restore the DB, that's why they are backed up separately.

If you want to duplicate your config on another server, you can use the EXPORT SERVER command to export your config to tape, a file devclass or directly to the other server.
Thank you for your answer.

The command EXPORT SERVER doesn't fulfill my requirements, because the output has binary form. I've asked about plain text. Plain text gives a possibility to do a modifications before cloning the system or create only part of configuration or to compare different configurations. Perhaps are there DRM commands to save server configuration as documentation (plain text)? QUERY SYSTEM is also interesting but it would be quite laborious to transform it to DEFINE commands
The prepare command in DRM is probably the closest you can get. Still not quite there.

If it were me and needed to clone a server or part of one, I'd still use the export command. Note that you can also use "export policy". So if you just want to create a new server, and use some of the domains from an existing server, you can do that too. I understand it's not what you are looking for, but just laying out some alternatives.