Scheduling for Exchange on CCR


Oct 14, 2008
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hello TSM champions

there is a CCR cluster installed TDP for Exchange Agent i take backup using this command TDPExchange>tdpexc /excserv=mail to execute TDP Exchange Agent the backup is goin on smoothly , the TDPs are installed on all my exchange nodes....

I want to done this task automatically using TSM Schedule

I used Schedules for stand alone BA clients but i have no idea how to done this task for exchange server on CCR cluster

I went thru RedBooks, but i think i am not that intelligent to understand redbooks :)

please help me out....
Can you send me the redbook? I am trying to find it but I cannot.
got Exchange 2007 - Active/Active/passive mode. this is what i did. It's almost the same thing as configuring on a active/passive setup... but with a little twist.

i installed BA and TDP on the 3 of them.
lets call them PS1,PS2,PS3 fo physical
and Quorum 1,Exch1,Exch2 for you cluster names.

create a tsm node for PS1,PS2,PS3,Quorom,Exch1,Exch2

1- create a folder TSMDATA on the Qurom drive - put the Dsm.opt + logs of the quorom node.
if you want, create a Lnk. or a cmd that call dsmc -optfile:*:\tsmdata\dsm.opt for your quorum node.

2- in the cluster admin of PS1, create a shared resources (greatly detail in the client backup installation giude - Seting up cluster schedule)

3- create the cluster sched with this command (be aware, sched name as to be the same in the cluster resrouce name. dont forget to add the registry key after creating the sched.
dsmcutil install SCHEDuler /name:"TSM_SCHED_QUORUM" /clientdir:"c:\Program Files\tivoli\tsm\baclient" /optfile:*:\tsmdata\dsm.opt /node:quorom /password:quorom /validate:yes /autostart:no /startnow:no /clusternode:yes /clustername:quorom

4- I deactivate the automatique failedover in the "Generic services for TSM".. if the service does not mount.. i dont want to be TSM that initiate the failed over.

5 - For Exchange. I create a folder TSMDATA in the drive dedicated for the Exchange logs of exch1.

6 - all the config and log for Exch1 are in the folder.

7 - I create a Cmd file that call the right exchange server. this is my command line.
tdpexc /excserver=EXCH1 /tsmoptfile=M:\TSMDATA\dsm.opt /configfile=M:\TSMDATA\tdpexc.cfg
this will call automatically the GUI interface with the good server.

7.1 - this is the cmd file that the TSm scheduler call. tdpexcc backup * full /excserver=EXCH1 /tsmoptfile=M:\TSMDATA\dsm.opt /configfile=M:\TSMDATA\tdpexc.cfg /logfile=M:\TSMDATA\Exchange_full_EXCH1.log

do step 3 and 4 for the Exchange node. to configure the sched in a cluster mode.

8 - Repete the same thing on the other server and the other nodes.

N.B in our Exchange cluster configuration. Exch1 run only on PS1 or PS2 and Exch2 run only on PS2 and PS3 (Quorum can run on PS1,2,3). So modify you generic cluster service acordingly to you setup.

on the TSM Server side I create to command schedule - backup Exch1 and Backup Exch2 calling the cmd file from the log drive TSMDATA. if you do incremental you create another sched calling the incr cmd file.

This came from this tread