Restoring DB for DR test using 3584 ATL


Aug 7, 2007
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I was wondering if there is a way to point TSM to database backup volume in library while restoring database for DR Test.
In our last test I placed the DB backup volume in top slot of 3584 library and updated the device configuration file accordingly with the eliment number of that I/O slot. While running recovery script , after formating db space and log space, it errored out and couldn't get the DB backup volume. Later on, I proceeded with defining the library as manual and drive, putting DB backup volume in the drive manually and it worked.
I am pretty sure that there is some way that you can do away with defining manual library. thanks in advance.

Normally, you should have library inventory in your devconf file. Then, when you restore DB, TSM checks volhist for volume name (usually barcode) and then devconf to know in which slot in library is this volume located.

If you are restoring with a different library than in production, just adapt your inventory in devconf file to match your current configuration.

Normally, it should work ... I already did it in the past when working at BCRS from IBM.

Best regards, Olivier.
Yes if you using a different library and are manually placing the tape in a slot or drive you will have to use a manual configuration with your devcnfg.out file. Once you configure this once for this library save the edited file for future use so you dont have to define it again.

This is what we do in DR and I just rename the current devcnfg and then when the db is restored I will define the new library with another script that runs and deletes the manual and defines the new library,drives, and paths then checks in media. Then we are ready for cleint restores.

I would perfer this method as it can be applied to any library you will recover to in a DR situation instead of editing your current devcnfg.out file to match elements with tapes.