restoredb fails(?): "NEWLOGPATH" not valid


ADSM.ORG Senior Member
Feb 6, 2011
Reaction score
Central Europe

I am doing (testing) restoration of TSM 6.2 to another machine, I solved couple of issues and now it almost work, except the error below:

ANR4637I Roll-forward database restore complete.
ANR0172I rdbicrst.c(2111): Error encountered performing action set DB2
ANR0162W Supplemental database diagnostic information: -5099:SQLSTATE 08004:
The application server rejected establishment of the connection.
(SQL5099N The value "/path/to/active_logs/NODE0000/" indicated by the database
configuration parameter "NEWLOGPATH" is not valid, reason code "4".
ANR2032E RESTORE DB: Command failed - internal server error detected.

The problem here is that I copied logs from old server (both archive and active) to location as defined in dsmserv.opt (that is normal location for logs) and during restoration (before the end fo restoration, I believe) the server finds that the log directory is not empty and considers it a problem. I did not find good solution (TSM specific at least) for this on internet. I was thinking about using "-ACTIVELOGDir" switch to restoredb, should I use it somehow? How?

However, the server starts normally. I must admit that I did not check if everything is comletely OK yet.

So my question is, can I ignore this error altogether?

If not what should I do?

Prior to restore you should;

drop your existing tsmdb1
clean out log and archlog dirs

you dont copy logs around in this scenario. I would restore again.
you dont copy logs around in this scenario.

Well it seems I misunderstood the manual. It seems that activelogdir should be left empty and archive logs are used to obtain all changes in db that took place after db backup. I will test it, thanks