query to see if a file exist


Nov 20, 2007
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I have a file/folder that was on our network "G"(common) drive and now Im needing to query TSM to see if that file/folder is/was backed up at all. Does anyone know what I need to do to be able to do this? I have run many queries over the CONTENTS table and filespaces but am having now luck at all.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.
q backup G:\directory\file.txt

dsmc restore G:\directory\file.txt -pick -ina

to see exactly all the version and with the pick option you can choose the file you want to restore
What May suggested is easiest way.

If you need to do it with an sql query on tsm server, try

select * from backups where node_name='NODENAMEINALLCAPS' and ll_name='file.txt'
BBB - i've tried that and have got no results back.

The other problem I have is the person has no idea what folder this was in or even what the file name was. This is/was stored on our NETAPP so it makes things a little more complicated. (or at least I think it is cuz I don't know much about TSM yet -training is the end of the month)
If you have no idea what the file name is or where it was you're kind of stuck.

Try using the GUI (ensure you change the view to allow inactive files) and start browsing...

Note the SQL query is case sensitive. The node name must be in capitals. I can't remember about the filename whether it is all-caps or all-lower case. Try both.
Use the GUI, but use the search function it provides (the little magnifying glass icon). It can find the folder even if you don't know where it's located. All you need is a portion of the name and if it's there it will return the information. Many people forget that TSM can search and filter for backed up files from the GUI, it's a great tool when you have situations like this.
Use the GUI, but use the search function it provides (the little magnifying glass icon). It can find the folder even if you don't know where it's located. All you need is a portion of the name and if it's there it will return the information. Many people forget that TSM can search and filter for backed up files from the GUI, it's a great tool when you have situations like this.

When you say the GUI are you meaning on the TSM Server and note node right? The problem is the folder structure of that "drive"/filer(not really a drive)on the netapp has changed.

Sorry for being stupid here but I am a novice to this system and have no idea what the heck I'm doing.