query backup command help for restore


Active Newcomer
Aug 24, 2006
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I am trying to query some files for a point-in-time restore, I have use this command before and it worked however its not working now. Can anyone see where I might be making a error?

f.y.i - This is on a windows 2003 server

tsm> q backup D:\paldor\projections\map\sandra's groupa *.* -pitdate=03/13/2011 -in
ANS1079E No file specification entered
tsm> q backup D:\paldor\projections\map\sandra's groupa*.* -pitdate=03/13/2011
ANS1079E No file specification entered

thanks in advance

Put your path between double quotes and add -subdir=yes.

If sandra's groupa is a dir add \* at the end.
Hi Brian,

Thanks for your response, I tried your suggestions still not getting anything I may be missing something (if so feel free to correct)

Below is what I tried

tsm> q backup "d:\paldor\projections\map\sandra's group\*"
ANS1092W No files matching search criteria were found

tsm> q backup "d:\paldor\projections\map\sandra's groupa\*" -subdir=yes

ANS1092W No files matching search criteria were found

tsm> q backup "d:\paldor\projectionss\map\sandra’s groupa\*" -subdir=yes -pitdate=03/13/2011

ANS1092W No files matching search criteria were found

tsm> q backup "d:\paldor\projections\map\sandra’s groupa\"* -subdir=yes -pitdate=03/13/2011

ANS1079E No file specification entered

Thanks again
Also is it possible that the data you are looking for is archived, in this case q arch.
Hi tsmhelum,

In your file specification you have spaces that's the reason you are not able to view your output. Below highlighted one.

tsm> q backup D:\paldor\projections\map\sandra's groupa *.* -pitdate=03/13/2011 -inact

If you want to query these files for a point-in-time restore, you have to use GUI.

Please let us know your opinion.

- Kishan.
brian , Kishan..thanks

no the directory/files are not Archived

kishan, thanks for the command and I tried the GUI but for the date of 3/13 or 3/12 or 3/11 the Projections directory didn’t even show up I think there was a IBM tech note about Directories not displayed for point in time restores using the GUI Client maybe that’s the reason?

Kishan, I tried the below and it also did not work

tsm> q backup D:\paldor\projections\map\sandra's groupa *.* -pitdate=03/13/2011
ANS1102E An excessive number of command line arguments are passed to the program
tsm> q backup D:\paldor\projections\map\sandra's groupa*.* -pitdate=03/13/2011 -
ANS1102E An excessive number of command line arguments are passed to the program

In your file specification you have spaces in it. Hence you need to use double quotes.


tsm> q ba "D:\paldor\projections\map\sandra's groupa\*" -ina -subdir=y -pitd=03/13/2011
Thanks gtmukesh,

I tried the command but still no results.

tsm> q ba "D:\paldor\projections\ map\ gary's groupa\*" -ina -subdir=y -pitd=03/13/2011
ANS1092W No files matching search criteria were found
tsm> q ba "D:\paldor\projections\map\ gary's groupa\*" -ina -subdir=y -pitd=03/13/2011
ANS1092W No files matching search criteria were found
tsm> q ba "D:\paldor\projectionss\map\ sandra’s groupa\*" -ina -subdir=y -pitd=03/13/2011
Hi tsmhelum,

The command which brain said is correct. However u said, the same command was worked earlier. Want to know that any change happened in copy group parameter(version exit, version del, retext &retonly). If so it ll not show the files which u backed up earlier

For eg:
On 1st jan 2011 --> ur verexit=50 verdel=40 retext=50 retonly=60

changes happened On 1st feb 2011 --> verexit=30(assumption) verdel=26 retext=30 retonly=60

In above verexit has changed frm 50 to 30. In the case TSM server ll not know the files got backed up before 1st feb.. Thus it ll not show the files which r all got backed up before 1st feb but files should remains in the tape or disk.

Let us know if any change happen as like tat..
