Netapp restore / tsm database freespace


Active Newcomer
Jun 5, 2007
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We've had problems in the past running multiple Netapp restores at the same time. The issue goes as follows. For every Netapp restore executed, a TOC needs to be loaded. These TOCs get loaded into TSM database freespace. Once we run out of tsm database freespace, down comes the TSM server. Is there a way to address this issue. Does anyone know if IBM is doing anything to address it? Is there a way to circumvent this issue. Thanks.
Do you need to load the TOC for each restore? If you know what files you need you could just execute a restore node command without using a GUI. The command line doesn't load the TOC as far as I know.

You could also reduce the time that TSM keeps any TOC in the temporary pages on the database by reducing the figure for the TOCLOADRETENTION setting. The default is 120 minutes so reducing that may help clear out old pages before new TOCs are loaded.

Otherwise you need to increase the database size to allow for more temporary page space, but you already knew that!
Tiger22, Thanks for the suggestions. Unfortunately, the restores are done by operations and the client rarely knows where/when there data was. So, even via the command line, they have to load the TOC to do a search. From my understanding, the GUI actually has a more sophisticated way of searching the TOC so it doesn't take so long.