move drm vaultR / checkin with IBM 3583


Feb 18, 2004
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Annecy / France
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Hi All,

I'm new with TSM. I've just installed V5.2.2.0 on W2K with a IBM 3583 Library.

How to automate the return of the tapes ?

When Tapes are coming back, I do

move drm * wherestate=vaultr tostate=onsiteretrieve

and then

checkin libv lib1 search=b stat=scr checkl=b

after that I must do a manual 'q req' to do the 'reply <req_num>'

Is there a way to do an automatic checkin ?

Thanks for your help

If the tape is brought back from the off site location and are place in the bulk I/O slot.

Could have an admin schedule or a script or a macro to issue the following:

move drm * wherestate=vaultr tostate=onsiteretrieve CMd="checkin libv lib1 search=b stat=scr checkl=b"

Since you did not mention if you have an automated library or a manual library.

If its an automated library there is no need to issue a q requst and then a reply, this is done automatically for you.

If you have a manual library then would need to issue a q request and then reply.

Good Luck,

Sias :)
Hi Led888,

I've done your command, (scripted and admin-scheduled) but TSM is just doing the "move drm from vaultR to onsiteR" and then creates a batch file (in server1 directory) with the checkin command inside but it is never executed.

What do you mean by automated library. I think that the IBM 3583 (3 drives - 42 slots- 12 I/O) is automated isn't it ?

Thanks for your help

I think there is no simple way to do this, and you have to reply..

I think you may try on grapping the requset ANR.. and use scripting to do a reply for your 3583 library. Since 3583 does not contain library manager itself so request/reply is un-avaoid-able.

And if you want to avoid request and reply in I/O the volume, try 3494 Library.

John Ng

we made checkin of tapes via script first on an 3583 and now on a 3584.

this is an awk-script runing on unix-box on a w2k server, started by scheduler and makes checkout of DB-volumes and copypool-volumes and checkin of tapes.

this is the part of the script that greps the replace number and automates the replay

I think it might help you for your scripting...

$DSMCEXE -id=xxx -passw=$PASSWD checkin libvol liblto search=bulk status=pri

$DSMCEXE -id=xxx -passw=$PASSWD q req >req.lst

if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then

REPNO=`grep ANR8373I req.lst | cut -c 10-12`

$DSMCEXE -id=xxx -passw=$PASSWD repl $REPNO

Thanks very much, a bit too late I've already wrote a W2K script.

If someone want it just ask me


can ya toss me that W2K script? I'm implementing a backup solution with a 3583 on W2K Server right now. At the moment I only have a manual procedure for moving DRM volumes offsite and back onsite. If there is a way to simplify this, then that would be wonderful. Only prob I have is my IO slot only takes 1 tape. I should prob think about getting more slots.


peepsquack<at> hot-mail [dot] com.
Can you send me the script aswell? I also have a 3583 library and been struggeling trying to make a script for a while now but i can't seem to filter the reply number out in a decent way.

Thank you very much in advance :)
Sorry for the delay, I was away

Here is a W2K script to insert automaticaly tapes from the bulk in the library with a 3583, and do the "reply"


set TEMPO=c:\tsmlogs\tmp.txt

set TEMPO2=c:\tsmlogs\tmp2.txt

cd \Progra~1\Tivoli\tsm\baclient\

dsmadmc -id=admin -pa=admin move drm * wherestate=vaultr tostate=onsiter wait=yes

dsmadmc -id=admin -pa=admin checkin libv lib1 search=b stat=scr checkl=b

Rem get request number

dsmadmc -id=admin -pa=admin q req>%TEMPO%

find "Fill the bulk entry/exit" %TEMPO% >%TEMPO2%

Rem find returns 3 lines, reply number is in line2

Set count=0

Set REQ_NB=0

set LINE=2

for /F "delims=" %%i in (%TEMPO2%) do call :FIND_LINE %%i

goto NEXT


set /A count+=1

Rem receive %1 %2 %3 , we need %2

if %count%==%LINE% set REQ_NB=%2

goto :eof


Rem we get request number on XXX: format, need to remove ':'

for /F "tokens=1 delims=:" %%j in ('"echo %REQ_NB%"') do set ANSWER=%%j

dsmadmc -id=admin -pa=admin reply %ANSWER%



Thank you very much for sharing this script. Now i can finally get my colleaques to do some tapeswitches aswell :grin: