Lanfree TDP for SQL backups, configuration and performance question


Mar 6, 2003
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In order to use 4 tape drives simultaneously, how should the SQL database be configured? The Redbook mentions data stripes, but my DBA says SQL has no mention of data stripes. Are these "data stripes" simply spanning the data volumes for a particular database over multiple physical drives or arrays? Ideally, is having as many data volumes as tape drives to maximize throughput and setting collocation to filespace the best way to set up the SQL and TSM environments?

Any help or comments in this matter would be greatly appreciated

[email protected] :grin:
I believe what you need to change is the Maximum Mount Points Allowed in the client definition. If you are going for speed, should also test using client level compression for the SQL TDP client. File system data seems to take a speed hit, but SQL backups (and Exchange) for us ran about 40% faster.

I realize that maximum mount points would need to equal the number of drives I want to use. I want to run multiple parallel sessions maximizing the use of multiple threads. If a database consists of only one data volume, then only one drive will ever be used to backup or restore it. I believe, that having a database across 4 filespaces or volumes, along with using filespace collocation and multiple mount point will allow us to write to 4 drives simultaneously. I just need some verification from someone who has done this.
I believe the setting you are looking for is 'buffers' if you are running the TDP for SQL client. The number of buffers that are used is equal to the number if threads a backup/restore will use.