How to - total data on a policy domain


Feb 18, 2010
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Hello, I am preparing a review of our existing policy domains and their retention policies. I've been ask to collect a rough estimate on the amount of data certain domains currently hold to help figure out how to change the existing retention policies. please keep in mind that i am a jr tsm admin with less than 6 months working on TSM.

is there a command or procedure to help me gather this information?

i am reading the 5.5 admin guide for reference as well so if anyone can point me to the right direction i would greatly appreciate it :)
Take a look at auditocc. h q auditocc and try something like q auditocc * domain=your_domain_name
An another way to calclulate the sum of occupancy by domain is to write an SQL select statement.

For example:

select n.domain_name,sum(physical_mb) mb from occupancy o,nodes n where o.node_name=n.node_name group by n.domain_name
Rhuobhe, before you get too happy keep in mind that the above approaches assume that each Domain/policy has one management class (the default) used by all clients within that domain. These approaches breakdown if you have multiple management classes in use with differing retentions. In that case these approaches will at best be estimates and at worse misleading.

If you do have multiple management classes I do not know of an easy way to get that information in version 5 TSM without resorting to a nasty select joining the contents and backup tables. Perhaps version 6 is more accomodating
Rhuobhe, before you get too happy keep in mind that the above approaches assume that each Domain/policy has one management class (the default) used by all clients within that domain

fortunately, this seems to be the case.