exchange differential backup


Oct 14, 2008
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i am a windows user please tell me what is the command to take Exchange Differential backup of all storage groups?

also tell me the recommended settings to take backup of exchange 2007 server ...

full+differential or full+incremental ?

the recommended policy domain settings etc
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if you speak to our exchange admins then the recommendation is for a full everyday.. this is true for fastest restores but only if you SGs are small and your TSM estate can handle the backups...

for us - our exchange estate is too big and we backup our exchange dbs in full once a week and incremental the other 6 days of the week. note that because of sizes we only run 4 full sg backups each night - so the fulls are spread throughout the week.

We don't run differentials.
We created a cmd file (exchfull.cmd) and provided the following for each SG

set exc_dir="C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\TDPExchange"

cd /c %exc_dir%

echo Current date is: >> EXCHFULL-SG1.LOG
date /t < NUL >> EXCHFULL-SG1.LOG
echo Current time is: >> EXCHFULL-SG1.LOG
time /t < NUL >> EXCHFULL-SG1.LOG
start /B tdpexcc backup SG1 full /tsmoptfile=dsm.opt /logfile=EXCHSCHED-SG1.LOG >> EXCHFULL-SG1.LOG

echo Current date is: >> EXCHFULL-SG2.LOG
date /t < NUL >> EXCHFULL-SG2.LOG
echo Current time is: >> EXCHFULL-SG2.LOG
time /t < NUL >> EXCHFULL-SG2.LOG
start /B tdpexcc backup SG2 full /tsmoptfile=dsm.opt /logfile=EXCHSCHED-SG2.LOG >> EXCHFULL-SG2.LOG

echo Current date is: >> EXCHFULL-SG3.LOG
date /t < NUL >> EXCHFULL-SG3.LOG
echo Current time is: >> EXCHFULL-SG3.LOG
time /t < NUL >> EXCHFULL-SG3.LOG
start /B tdpexcc backup SG3 full /tsmoptfile=dsm.opt /logfile=EXCHSCHED-SG3.LOG >> EXCHFULL-SG3.LOG

echo Current date is: >> EXCHFULL-SG4.LOG
date /t < NUL >> EXCHFULL-SG4.LOG
echo Current time is: >> EXCHFULL-SG4.LOG
time /t < NUL >> EXCHFULL-SG4.LOG
start /B tdpexcc backup SG4 full /tsmoptfile=dsm.opt /logfile=EXCHSCHED-SG4.LOG >> EXCHFULL-SG4.LOG

rem tdpexcc backup * full /tsmoptfile=dsm.opt /logfile=excsch.log >> excfull.log

Of course you could use the last line (wildcard) as well but for internal reason we broke it out by SG.

We run twice a week fulls with diffs in between. The cmd for the diffs is the same as above with the exception of diff instead of full in the tdpexcc backup line
Great, tell me some about policy domain for exchange server


also tell me that there is an backup option in TDP for Exchnage
Legacy Backup and VSS backup

which one you use ?
Retention policy will be up to you and your business unit. Its going to depend in the requirement to recovery within your environment as well as available resources.
if you speak to our exchange admins then the recommendation is for a full everyday.. this is true for fastest restores but only if you SGs are small and your TSM estate can handle the backups...

for us - our exchange estate is too big and we backup our exchange dbs in full once a week and incremental the other 6 days of the week. note that because of sizes we only run 4 full sg backups each night - so the fulls are spread throughout the week.

We don't run differentials.

Hi itcsge,

I'm just about to set TDP up and I was wondering how managed to setup FULL and INC backup for your exchange servers?

I'm also trying to work out (with a lack of decent documentation) how TDP works. The IBM pdf is a bit vague to say the least. Can you shed some light for me?

