DP Hyper-V - Multiple Schedules?


Aug 17, 2011
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Hey guys,

a question. I'm evaluating Data Protection for Hyper-V (8.1.4), so far we've been backing up virtual machines via the BA client. We did not use schedules but triggered the backups locally via scheduled tasks. With DPHV that is not possible, it requires a credential object which would require to somehow store username / password for an admin user on the machine - which is not allowed.

So I'd like to use schedules with DPHV - but I can only assign a single schedule.

Why is this a problem. I'd like a backup scheme where I have a IFFULL backup at weekends and IFINCREMENTAL during weekdays. However - as far as I can see that can only be done with multiple schedules.

Any tips on how to do this?

You can schedule IFFULL and IFINCR backups to each Hyper-V host by using ALL-VM option. (it will cover backup for all guest vm's from each host)
> is your Hyper-V host is standalone or a cluster?
> How many clusterstorage volumes ?
> MS does not support more than one backup from each CSV.
> Make sure non of your Hyper-V guest vm's zoned with SAN storage, if SAN storage attached to any of VM guest you have to exclude from backup using -VM="VM_NAME" from schedule command or from option file or using cloptset, Because SAN attached VM will not support for snapshot backups, you have to do backup for the vm using traditional way (ba client). MS limitation.
Hello Rajesh!

But I can apply only one schedule, hence I can schedule only IFFULL or IFINCREMENTAL, is this not correct?
As for your questions, the servers in question are all standalone. All our SAN attached Hyper-V servers are backed up using storage-side techniques, not Spectrum Protect.

You can apply one schedule at a time, but you can apply 2 different schedules iffull for weekend ifincr for weekdays.