Devices not recognized by TSM/AIX 5.2


Aug 10, 2003
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Hey y'all.

We're having a problem getting our /dev/lb0, which is a StorageTel L700 library, recognized after a migrate install of AIX 5.2 (from 4.3.3) and TSM 5.2 (from TSM 5.1). This is a 7206-h50.

So far we have removed the device defintions from TSM after unsuccessfully trying to add them under AIX in smitty as a TSM library under TSM devices. The DRM plan contain the all the device locations for the drives and the library which we tried to replicate on the new installation, but the only thing that fails is the library. The message was something like "lsattr: there is not enough memory at this time" We installed a .bff file that was supposed to fix that error, but when we run the same command we get "An error has been encountered" with no description/suggested fix. Has anyone seen this?

We're under the impression that, in order to define the PATH to the library it needs to be set up in AIX as a device (/dev/lb*) So this may be an AIX related problem rather than a TSM issue. Both we and IBM tier 2 support are stumped as to what went wrong.

Interesting to note, that after the migrate install, TSM 5.1 came right up and started reclamation, migration and was even backing up a server after the AIX upgrade. It can't be a hardware issue, in my opinion, if this happens. All the TSM rte and filesets were still at 4.3.3 albeit running after the OS install. We even saw the migration from the diskpool to tape complete under the AIX 4.3/TSM 5.1 config, to our surprise. For we had disabled the dsmserv startup in /etc/inittab, but it started anyway.

BTW, the drives are recognized by smitty fine, both as tape drives (rmt0-3) and by smitty tsm devices (mt0-3)
try this :



Tivoli Storage Manager Devices

SCSI Attached Devices

Library/Medium Changer

Add a Library/MediumChanger

* press enter at the first option

* move to the right SCSI parent adapter

* your /dev/lb0 should be recognized and configured

i think the reason for this are changed device drivers.

thats it. ;) or i'm completely nonsense talker ?

please reply. thanks.
That is what you are supposed to be able to do. But I found out differently (no thanks to IBM support!)

The basic problem is when you try:



Tivoli Storage Manager Devices

SCSI Attached Devices

Library/Medium Changer

Add a Library/MediumChanger

and pick the parent adapter, it would fail with "1800-106 An error occurred:"

i believe the underlying problem is related to lsattr. If you look at the smit.log output:


1800-091 Format error ("#" missing) in output

from the Command_to_Discover:


(The Command_to_Discover is:

"lsattr -c library -s 'scsi' -t 'ADSM-SCSI-LB' -D -O ".)


When executed from the command line, the above lsattr command returns no output. so it ooks like lsattr breaks smit, but a straight mkdev command will work...

mkdev -c library -t 'ADSM-SCSI-LB' -s 'scsi' -p 'scsi2' -w '0,0'

produces /dev/lb0
