Copypool Reclamation


Mar 27, 2008
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Hi TSM'ers,

We have a number of tapes offsite and I am wondering why our reclamation process isn't emptying data from offsite tapes and for re-purposing as scratch onsite.
We have a number of Copypool tapes that are hardly utilized - why doesn't TSM clean them up so we can import them as scratch tapes?

We are running out of tapes and have almost 150 total - most being offsite and hardly utilized after expiring much data.
I have to start buying tapes to keep up now...sigh.

Here is our Offsite/Copypool tape list:

Volume Name Storage Device Estimated Pct Volume
Pool Name Class Name Capacity Util Status
------------------------ ----------- ---------- --------- ----- --------
WS0003L2 COPYPOOL1 LTOCLASS1 308.5 G 18.3 Full
WS0004L2 COPYPOOL1 LTOCLASS1 258.4 G 6.7 Full
WS0005L2 COPYPOOL1 LTOCLASS1 258.9 G 36.0 Full
WS0006L2 COPYPOOL1 LTOCLASS1 252.7 G 0.8 Full
WS0009L2 COPYPOOL1 LTOCLASS1 256.7 G 1.7 Full
WS0011L2 COPYPOOL1 LTOCLASS1 254.6 G 45.2 Full
WS0012L2 COPYPOOL1 LTOCLASS1 237.6 G 71.3 Full
WS0013L2 COPYPOOL1 LTOCLASS1 381.5 G 64.9 Filling
WS0014L2 COPYPOOL1 LTOCLASS1 250.1 G 11.4 Full
WS0017L2 COPYPOOL1 LTOCLASS1 381.5 G 11.5 Filling
WS0022L2 COPYPOOL1 LTOCLASS1 381.5 G 0.7 Filling
WS0027L2 COPYPOOL1 LTOCLASS1 289.9 G 89.9 Full
WS0028L2 COPYPOOL1 LTOCLASS1 381.5 G 8.5 Filling
WS0030L2 COPYPOOL1 LTOCLASS1 270.9 G 80.4 Full
WS0031L2 COPYPOOL1 LTOCLASS1 381.5 G 17.5 Filling
WS0032L2 COPYPOOL1 LTOCLASS1 241.8 G 44.3 Full
WS0035L2 COPYPOOL1 LTOCLASS1 250.7 G 8.2 Full
WS0036L2 COPYPOOL1 LTOCLASS1 263.5 G 8.5 Full
WS0037L2 COPYPOOL1 LTOCLASS1 253.5 G 2.1 Full
WS0038L2 COPYPOOL1 LTOCLASS1 250.0 G 0.3 Full
WS0044L2 COPYPOOL1 LTOCLASS1 237.3 G 99.9 Full
WS0046L2 COPYPOOL1 LTOCLASS1 381.5 G 12.1 Filling
WS0048L2 COPYPOOL1 LTOCLASS1 381.5 G 1.6 Filling
WS0050L2 COPYPOOL1 LTOCLASS1 267.9 G 3.4 Full
WS0051L2 COPYPOOL1 LTOCLASS1 303.2 G 45.7 Full
WS0053L2 COPYPOOL1 LTOCLASS1 311.5 G 16.6 Full
WS0065L2 COPYPOOL1 LTOCLASS1 272.7 G 100.0 Full
WS0072L2 COPYPOOL1 LTOCLASS1 254.7 G 100.0 Full
WS0074L2 COPYPOOL1 LTOCLASS1 263.8 G 100.0 Full
WS0090L3 COPYPOOL1 LTOCLASS1 0.0 M 0.0 Empty
WS0101L2 COPYPOOL1 LTOCLASS1 244.5 G 19.2 Full
WS0102L2 COPYPOOL1 LTOCLASS1 252.3 G 1.3 Full
WS0104L2 COPYPOOL1 LTOCLASS1 251.2 G 100.0 Full
WS0105L2 COPYPOOL1 LTOCLASS1 272.2 G 5.7 Full
WS0107L2 COPYPOOL1 LTOCLASS1 381.5 G 25.9 Filling
WS0108L2 COPYPOOL1 LTOCLASS1 255.4 G 2.6 Full
WS0111L2 COPYPOOL1 LTOCLASS1 381.5 G 40.4 Filling
WS0112L2 COPYPOOL1 LTOCLASS1 238.4 G 87.8 Full
WS0114L2 COPYPOOL1 LTOCLASS1 259.8 G 8.4 Full
WS0115L2 COPYPOOL1 LTOCLASS1 299.9 G 45.6 Full
WS0117L2 COPYPOOL1 LTOCLASS1 381.5 G 5.0 Filling
WS0119L2 COPYPOOL1 LTOCLASS1 254.3 G 2.0 Full
WS0120L2 COPYPOOL1 LTOCLASS1 295.4 G 60.8 Full
WS0122L2 COPYPOOL1 LTOCLASS1 381.5 G 3.2 Filling
WS0125L2 COPYPOOL1 LTOCLASS1 256.3 G 0.6 Full
WS0127L2 COPYPOOL1 LTOCLASS1 381.5 G 0.4 Filling
WS0128L2 COPYPOOL1 LTOCLASS1 381.5 G 0.0 Filling
WS0129L2 COPYPOOL1 LTOCLASS1 248.0 G 0.8 Full
WS0131L2 COPYPOOL1 LTOCLASS1 252.4 G 99.8 Full
WS0132L2 COPYPOOL1 LTOCLASS1 381.5 G 0.2 Filling
WS0136L2 COPYPOOL1 LTOCLASS1 260.7 G 92.1 Full
WS0137L2 COPYPOOL1 LTOCLASS1 269.4 G 5.8 Full
WS0143L2 COPYPOOL1 LTOCLASS1 274.8 G 43.0 Full
WS0146L2 COPYPOOL1 LTOCLASS1 250.5 G 100.0 Full
WS0147L2 COPYPOOL1 LTOCLASS1 244.6 G 99.5 Full
WS0149L2 COPYPOOL1 LTOCLASS1 264.3 G 100.0 Full
WS0150L2 COPYPOOL1 LTOCLASS1 381.5 G 57.9 Filling
WS0151L2 COPYPOOL1 LTOCLASS1 381.5 G 30.4 Filling
WS0154L2 COPYPOOL1 LTOCLASS1 256.3 G 100.0 Full
WS0156L2 COPYPOOL1 LTOCLASS1 245.3 G 100.0 Full
WS0157L2 COPYPOOL1 LTOCLASS1 381.5 G 6.7 Filling
WS0161L2 COPYPOOL1 LTOCLASS1 381.5 G 5.9 Filling
WS0162L2 COPYPOOL1 LTOCLASS1 249.0 G 99.6 Full
WS0163L2 COPYPOOL1 LTOCLASS1 381.5 G 11.1 Filling
WS0164L2 COPYPOOL1 LTOCLASS1 301.6 G 99.1 Full
WS0165L2 COPYPOOL1 LTOCLASS1 257.4 G 100.0 Full

Here is out reclamtion script that was setup by our consultanat - I have tried to change it but to no avail...

Line Number: 5
Command: reclaim stgpool COPYPOOL1 threshold=1 duration=180 wait=yes

I tried changing to threshold to 1 & 99 - it used to be set to 30 so I changed it.

Please help me understand how to get more tapes back thru reclamation.

And we always make sure that there are ample scratch tapes in the onsite library when copypool recl needs to copy the reclaimed data from the TSM DB to new scratch tapes.

Thanks for any help!

select volume_name, pct_reclaim from volumes where stgpool_name='COPYPOOL1' and pct_reclaim>=60 order by 2,1 desc

This will show you the volumes that will be reclaimed if you set the reclamation threshold to 60 on the pool (or in the script) I would recommend that you start with a high number, like 95 and run reclamation at that level and slowly work your way down to a level that you can sustain on a daily basis.

update stgpool copypool1 reclaim=60

Keep in mind that the larger tapes take longer to reclaim so you may want to have the threshold higher on those pools.

Hi Aaron,

Thanks for the quick response.
I changed my script to reclaim at 95.
And I'll work my way down and remember the larger tapes take longer - got it.
I appreciate the SQL statement too!
