Backupsets from ActiveData?


ADSM.ORG Senior Member
Dec 18, 2006
Reaction score
northern front-range Colorado, USA
For a few months now, I have had a problem generating backupsets. Almost all nodes that have data in activedata storage fail. None that do not have activedata have any problem. My activedata pool has passed a full audit, and in the past, I have waited through a couple days of "delete vol discarddata=yes", removed, and recreated the activedata pool, and repopulated it. While it was gone, I successfully generated my period-end backupsets. The current pool passed a full audit over the weekend. I've marked all the activedata volumes unav, and am going back through my nodegroup picking up nodes that failed.

IBM's only advice so far is to cease and block all other activity on the server for the duration of the backupset generation. I've had some fail within times when no client or administrative activity occurred, but regardless, I'm not suspending TSM access for 10 full days out of every month.

Does anyone else have this issue?
No but I would be curious to hear the cause we are getting ready to implement active storage almost solely for the purpose of generating backupsets. Has it ever worked?
One node out of 14 generated with active data. I'd have to call that a "no". Last time, I had to destroy my activedata pool to get the backupsets made and shipped.

I got another one to generate on a second try with errors by making all activedata volumes unavailable. On a whim, I tried again with them readwrite, and it failed again.

I'm cutting my support guy a little slack because when we last were digging into this problem, I had to take a month out tuning everything back up after the tornado took out our data center, but it's been 5 days since I've re-opened the dialog with the first failure, and a full day since I gave him the results of the 25 backupsets, complete with all activity log an hour before to an hour after that 4-day process.
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